Talk to me

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Nathalie stood silente in the corner of the large Parisian hotel in which the big celebration took place. She hated that she now had to attend in Gabriels place. Also it was still unable for her to believe how Gabriel could just throw her away like that. Her feelings for that matter where still intanse and overwhelming which made it hard for her to smile friendly at her counterpart . She knew all too well that it didn't belong to her and that one would much rather see her boss. But as usually she would never show her feelings freely. No, she would keep calm and just do what People want from her. As it always was.
A single thought of Gabriel, made her immediately took another long sip from her champagne glass. The feeling of the tingling liquid making its way through her throat calmed her at least a little. Again she let her gaze wander through the horde of people. Great personalities were here, great company partners of Gabriel, various fashion designers and musicians along with other Stars where present. Basicly everyone who had a reputation or a name. Nathalie gave a small sigh and emptied her glass in one gulp. How could you be surrounded by so many people and feel so empty at the same time, she thought to herself while placing her glass down.
Slowly she made her way to the large spiral staircase and got upstairs leading her to the balcony. She was in need for fresh air. Maybe that would help her to cool down a bit.
As soon as Nathalie opened the door to the large roof of the hotel, the pleasantly cool breeze was blowing gently around her nose and trough her hair making her instantly feel better. It was a lovely warm summer night in Paris. From a distance you could see the great Eiffel Tower, the sanctuary of Paris, shining in all its splendor thanks to many lights who where intigrate arround the large building. Nathalie had seen this so many times in her life, but still she just couldn't get enough of it. Almost as if in a trance, she went to the large railing where she rested her hands whilde gazing dreamily into the night sky in all his beauty where the stars shine down on her.
"Really a nice view, don't you think?" she suddenly heard it next to her making her instantly turned around. She hadn't noticed the man who had been also standing at the reiling next to her. But she knew the man. She has seem him before. It was the Burgeous family butler. The poor soul who had to go day in day out making every little wish of the spoiled little brat coming true with out ever recieving a thank you. Thanks to Adrien and Chloe's friendship, they had met a few times and he had always felt sorry for Nathalie.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" said Jean considerately placing his hand carefully in front of his body making a little step back.
"I just hadn't noticed you ..." Nathalie replied, embarrassed, and brushed a strand from her face. "Did you need air too?" Nathalie asked him whereupon Jean pointed to the cigarette in his hand
"It's the only little break that I can enjoy in peace."
"I see. It must be tough for you."
Jean smiled a bit before shrugging his shoulders. Carefully he took out a small box and held it out to Nathalie. "It's my job. You also look like you could use one too."
Surprised Nathalie looked at the box in front of her nose before she finally decided to take one of the cigarete out and light it with Jean's lighter.
"I'm just not having a good day," she admit now while taking a deep breath
" want Mademoiselle to tell me what's bothering her?"
"Please, Nathalie is perfectly fine" . Something that was always bothering Nathalie a bit, was that people adress her so formely while she wasn't working. She can't really get used to it after all. Jean now held out his hand to her, while starring softly in to her eyes "Then I insist on Jean, I'm happy to meet you, Nathalie." he said in a softer friendly tone.
"Likewise," Nathalie replied before taking his and shaking it.
"So, Nathalie. Mind telling me what is troubeling you so much?"
"It's ..." Nathalie trying to explain. She was not used to talk to people let allone talk about them what bothers her. She again took a deep breath before continueing speaking "to put it simply complicated." It made Jean laught a bit before he realised he was indiscret. "I could already tell by your look, that is isn't easy." Of course, that was a stupid choice of words, you obviously saw that things don't go as planned and well otherwise she would probably not be here and put on this sad face. Thats why she choose her next words more carefully even though they were difficult for her to speak. For her it felt as if a pane of glass was paving its way through her body and splitting up everything that was in the way hurting her in the progress.
"I love someone I shouldn't love" she admit making Jean felt instantly pity for the woman next to him. He found Nathalie too beautiful to let her suffer from lovesickness. "I'm sorry ..." he uttered quietly without hiding his feelings. Something that Nathalie had noticed since the first time they meet. He was someone who showed his emotion freely when he has to. Something she thinks she could never really do.
"It's okay. It's always been like this."
"But it shouldn't be like that," Jean replied faster than he could realize it himself, resulting in Nathalie's being suprised at his brutal honesty.
"You are a great hard working young woman," he added. "The men should be at your feet!" With wide eyes she looked at Jean determinedly now her cheeks turning into a soft red tone. For her it was as if the world was standing completely still at that moment, or at least for her it felt that way. It took a moment before she could contain herself again, and getting a hold of herself.
"It just doesn't work that way," she said with a slight smile and took the last drag before putting out the cigarette. "But thanks for the compliments"
"I have an idea," said Jean, who also putted out his own. "Come with me. I'll make you a drink and you tell me what an idiot the man is who doesn't want regconize the feelings you have for him, okay?"
He happily held out his hand, makind Nathalie think for a brief moment before taking it. "Why not?"
The night was young. And she had already fulfilled her obligations. It wasn't like the people at the party cared about what she was doing anyway or if she was even there for that matter.

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