Why wouldn't you let me protect you?

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Hawkmoth hurried to jumped from one roof to the other, leaving the heroes behind at a remarkable record breaking pace. He carried the woman in his arms who tried to bury her face in his chest.
"they saw it .." she whispered softly "they saw me ... now know who Mayura is. I'm so sorry, Gabriel .." she continued in a slightly broken and shaky voice. She noticed how slowly the feeling of failure settled on her shoulders and tried to pull her into the depths. How could such a mistake happen to her?
"It's not your fault. I should have reacted faster," replied Hawkmoth as he left another roof behind and jumped onto the next.
"I should have been more careful" she explained
"Your hands were tied"
"...." with these words Nathalie fell into a deep silence which would probably last for the rest of her way back. The situation was breathtaking but not in a positive way. How should it go on from now on? As before, definitely not. Everything will change now.

The three heroes still stood petrified in their places without uttering a single sound. The expression on Chat Noir's face made it easy to see the question that ran through everyone's minds. 'Why?'
Chat himself couldn't believe it. Nathalie had always been part of the family for him. Not just the Assistance of his father. As long as he could remember, she had always been there to accompany him on the steps of his life. It was thanks to her that he was allowed to go to school. She had always been able to deal with Gabriel, which Adrien always thanked her from the bottom of his heart, even if she never let it show that she was happy when he did.
So how could it be her who allied with Hawkmoth? Who brought so much suffering to the city for a stupid wish?
The cat slowly drove his fist to his chest. It still felt like his heart had split into a thousand small pieces which were now cutting into his flesh hurting him deeply in the process.
Nathalie had never known that he was Chat Noir, but at the thought that she had always fought him with all her might, the boy could feel tears welling up in his face.
"Chat?" he heard Ladybug ask who had already called him 3 times. "Everything okay?"
"No .." Chat Noir replied softly before glancing at her. "But we have to take care of more important things," he said before turning to Aglais who was now standing there without moving. As if something was broken in her too. Maybe it was because their creators had run away faster than grandmas in the supermarket when a new cash register opens, leaving her behind and all by herself.
Even the little Kwami Duusu, who had now appeared and was otherwise so happy, still had her gaze fixed on the place where Nathalie was until a moment ago "Goodbye .. Miss Nathalie .." she whispered softly and incomprehensibly as a soft farewell she was only able to give her.
After all the two have been trough. It made her sad.

Just as Hawkmoth had safely brought Nathalie back to the mansion, when his legs had just touched the floor of his secret room, Ladybug's bright pink Luckycharms appeart, telling them that the fight was lost too. Aglais seemed to have been defeated. Not that it would matter much now.
Hawkmoth slowly let Nathalie down before turning back to Gabriel.
Both adults were silent for a while without a word before Gabriel broke the silence around them. "We should go down."
With a slight nod of her head, Nathalie began to move towards the elevator. Thousands of thoughts flashed through her head at that moment, but she had already made a decision. As painful as it would be for her.
Once there where down, Gabriel almost pulled Nathalie by her arm into the kitchen, where he pressed a glass of water into her hand. His expression cleary show Nathalie how much in a disstress he must be. Just as she was. Slowly she pulled her head down to face the glass in her hand making a sad face in the process.
A slight gasp was heard from Gabriel before he said "Nathalie. You don't have to pull that face. We'll find a way out of this situation."
"My cover is blown? What in the world should be able to help us out of this situation now?" she asked while her gaze slowly got fixed on the man in front of her.
"I dont know!" admitted the fashion king "But we'll find something!"
"Only a miracle or a journey back in time could help us! Once that appears in the 7 o'clock news , everyone will turn their heads to you and look at you. They will find out pretty fast that you are Hawkmoth. Faster than you can take Adrien and disappear "
At these words, Gabriel was also speechless. He just had no answer at the moment. She was right. This was bad. They would come pretty quickly to ask him if he knew anything. Desperate, he ran his hand through his hair, which resulted in a few sticking out almost breaking his otherwise perfect style.
"We'll have to hide you first." he continued.
"Where, would you do that?"
"Oh yes, because that's not the first place they'll look for me"
"Where else am I suppoused to hide you? Also the mansion is so big and has so many secret rooms no one knows of. It will buy us time"
"Ah great. And where am I suppoused to go? Lay down next to Emilie in the coffin?" Nathalie snapped at him without thinking what she had just said.
Gabriel reacted first before she could even apologize."Just let me protect you, damn it!"
"W..what?" she whisperd unsure before the clack of the front door ripped both of them out of their conversation as they hastily looked at where the sound was coming from and then back to the other. "To the elevator!" Gabriel whisperd immediately "Hide yourself in the layer!"

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