Communication is Key

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Chat Noir continued to roam restlessly over the rooftops of the big city. Nowhere, however, could he see the Lady of Hearts, Ladybug. The city was calm and peaceful. Ony a few people could be seen on the streets. Most of them where sittinh together comfortably in the security of their own four walls. Chat could see that trought the Windows while rushing by.
It all suddenly seemed so pointless to him. He looked for the needle in the haystack. The city was quied. Far and wide no Akuma to be seen. So how was he supposed to find Ladybug anyway? It was not like he knew how she was behind the mask. And they partol long was over so she probablly was just sitting at home too.
Carefully he picked up his staff and looked at the display. As was to be expected, there was no new message. Should he go back?
"Chat Noir?" a familiar voice tore him from his thoughts. It was the baker girl Marinette Dupanin-cheng who went to the same class with his alter ego and which he considert a very good friend. Slowly he made his way trough the girl who just called him, almost as his feet would move on they own he jumped to her.
"Hello .." he said uncertainly and briefly raised his hand.
"Did something happened that you are out so late?"
"No. Don't worry. I'm ... just on patrol."
".. It's 10pm." mean the girl now while she gave him an incredulous look. "And wasn't the patrol already? I saw Ladybug a coupel of hours ago".
Chat sign now turned softly to the side , resulting Marinette being slightly worried about him. She had rarely seen her partner so unhappy. Usually he always seemed so excited, cheerfull and so full of entusiams. Rarely she would see him so sad.
"Is everything allright?" she asked, stepping closer to the railing of her balcony.
"No .. it's ..." he stammered softly to himself, which worried Marinette even more. She herself had also spent the last few days hiding her sadness form her friends while putting on a wrong facade and pretend it would be fine when in reality she deesperatly wanted someone to talk to. She found someone. And Chat seems to still be looking.
"Kitty. If you like ,you can try to explain it to me. I listen to you"
With one leap, Chat jumped over to her from the roof to then sit on the railing itself. Like a real cat.
"It .. has something to do with my private self." he now began to tell slowly. "I don't know how to explain it .."
Carefully she put her hand of his shoulder to comfort him "try it."
Her soft smile that made Chat feel a bit better.To him, Marinette had always been a clumsy girl with a very big heart. He was happy that he was friends with her as Adrien. And He knew how she would do anything for her friends.
"Somehow .. I don't feel comfortable at home right now. Like I don't belong there .. or like not having a home at all. I feel like a stray cat to put it simply."
"That sounds hard.." she just said, "What triggered this feeling in you?"
"My .. father ..." he stuttered slowly now "he always has a lot to do. Never time .. for everything else. It makes me wonder if I'm just not good enough .. that I don't deserve his attention"
"Your father pays no attention to you? That sounds terrible!"
"He sometimes pays attention to me. But it feels like I have to earn it .."
"And you think it's never enough for his attention?" ask Marientte carefully what Chat confirmed with a sad nod.
She didn't know nor did she ever noticed how sad Chat lifes must be. He seems so cheerfull all the time. And it make her think about how lucky she must be with her parents. They were always there for her, supported her wherever they could and did everything to make her happy. Their family wasn't rich, but they were happy. And in their eyes that was worth more than any currency in the world.
"This must be really tough for you .. I'm sorry, Kitty."
"I think it's fitting. You look like a sad little kitten right now"
"But I am to old to be a Kitty." he said while point at his little bell. The the two looked at each other smiling for a moment.
"I think your family still loves you though." Marinette continued, "You Dad, He's probably just not good at showing affection. I have an uncle who can't do that either. But he's not a bad person. He always asks me how I'm doing, shows generel interest and all that. Just showing affection troubels him."
"hmm" returned Chat thoughtfully. His father was really just not a person who could show feelings. It was sad but it would make sense.
"So should I just forgive him?"
"You should tell him how you feel. I put my hand in the fire that he'll listen to you. And I think he'll notice how he hasn't treated you well enough and change his behaviour."
At these words, Chat began to grin slightly, "You never met him and still you can give such advice." which drove Marinette a little the color in her cheeks.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No. Madame. I think you are absolutely right. I think that's ameowzing."
"That was a terrible pun, cat"
"I am known for bad puns. Ladybug always says that" said chat with a bigger smile on his face.

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