The Question is. What do you want?

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Mayura hurriedly jumped over the rooftops. A look over her shoulders told her that the heroes must have given up the chase, because they were nowhere to be seen, which led her to stop and pause for a moment.
There was no trace of Hawkmoth either. "Did he run back to the mansion? Maybe he had already transformed back?" these question crossing her mind asking them herself as she gently guided her fingertips to her brooch. It had been a while since she was Mayura. And it felt so incredibly good now that the brooch did not rob her of all energy, but only provided her with superhuman strengths and a beautiful dress which now adorned her hips and gently swayed a little in the wind.
Should she also return to the mansion? But what would be with her date? Jean would be worried. Also how should she explain it? No, it would be too early to return home, she was enjoying her day off with Jean far too much.
With one leap she jumped onto a lower roof before a figure she knew cut off her way.
Chat Noir seems to have followed her. But where was Ladybug? Had he just left her behind?
"Where did you leave your little friend?" she replied to his entrance while hiding her face behind her fan, as she always did when she wasn't busy fighting.
"I don't need her to take your Miraculous from you!" replied the boy before he took his staff to get ready. "Your reign with Hawkmoth will end here today, Mayura!"
"Oh? Now I'm scared. Wouldn't you prefer to wait for your mistress? Maybe you would at least have the slightest chance then"
"For you, I am perfectly suited to get that thing from you all by myself!" he called out to her before he ran down from the building towards her. A simple frontal attack served as a prelude to the battle that was now breaking out between them. Agile Chat uses his staff as a kind of sword, as he was taught by his teacher in fencing lessons, using it as a possibility to try to hit Mayura. It was however in waine as she in turn dodged the attacks so gracefully and such an ease that it resembled a feather in the wind.
"Is that all you can do? Make me dance?"
Angry, Chat now grabed his weapon with both of his hands to let it rain down on his opponent with all his might and strenght, which Mayura was able to fend off with her fan at the last moment. With a big grin, she grabbed the baton to snatch it from the astonished Chat Noir and to tossed it off the roof onto the street. "Children's toys. What are you going to do now? Do you still think you could get my Miraculous, kid?"
Chat stood there frozen for a moment before he took a deep breath which was supposed to relax his stiff muscles and brought another convincing smile to his face as his self-confidence got back to him.
He took a pose that Mayura sent the freezing chill down her spine for a moment. She knew this pose. It resembeld a fightpose she herself taught Adrien for self defence reasons. Nathalie actually teach him different types of fighting, so in a case of an emergency he could defeand himself. She taught maybe that would help Gabriel to give his son more freedome.
But why in Gods Name did this hero in the black cat outfit dare to remind her of this? It made her blood boil for some reason. They proved that Adrien couldn't possible be Chat Noir and yet doub took plae in Mayuras mind.
With bared teeth she put her weapon away too. He wanted it that way. He should get it. This way she could test if he really would fight the way she taught Adrien.
"Come when you're ready," she said, which Chat couldn't be told twice as reached out to let his fists patter down on Mayura, who was able to fend them off with neither of them impressed. Now it was her turn to fetch and hit back what made Chat back down a little. She was much stronger than him, which was probably due to the fact that she was grown up with a now fully function Miraculous, yet Chat was still smiling."What's the matter, Grandma? Is that all?" he said as cheeky as always as he fended off a punch after punch leaving Mayura no time to reacht resulting in a fist actually landing on her face which surprised him and astonished her.
Both took seconds to look at on another before both of them running towards each other at the same time. Both of them tried to hit the other and blocked the punch at the sime time resulting in them staring angrly at each other while both unablte to move.
"Tell me Mayura. Why are you doing all this?"
"To get the wish. What's that for a stupid question?"
"The wish has consequences! You and Hawkmoth would pay a high price for using it. Whatever it is, the consequence are to high!"
"You have no Idea. It would be worth it."
"Nothing in the world would be worth something like that. The Miraculouse are not here to grand wishes!"
A bright red light made both pause briefly. It was Ladybugs Power that would fix everything meaning he would have destroyed the Akuma. Meaning that .. Jean! It shot through Nathalies head before she pushed the boy, who was still distracted, off his legs to the floor resulting in both letting to of each other and her chance to ran past him.
"Hey-Hey!" said he quickly getting back on his feet, but he had no chance. She had escaped from him.

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