Chimera ( Part 2 )

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The battle between the young heroes and the unnatural creature among them broke out very quickly. With her big hands Chimera tore large clumps of rock formed from earth from the ground and used them as projectiles to trow them at the heros. The heroes had to fend them off with their weapons. They also had to split up, Chat ran to the right while Ladybug planned her attack from the left.
With one jump she jumped down from the roof onto the large wall that surrounded the Agreste property and then down onto the solid ground before she approached Chimara with quick steps and threw her yo-yo onto her hand to hold her firmly.
Chat meanwhile also landed on solid ground and stretched out his staff quickly to hit the monster from behind, which caused it to grumble. With one arm swing, the thing had managed to throw Ladybug from her feet onto Chat. With open arms he managed to caught before she could injure herself.
"It's strong ..." Ladybug admitted as she got up "Thank you"
"I think we won't get any further with raw strength, my lady .." Chat replied while jumping back to his feet.
"We need a tactic," said Ladybug quickly before using her yo-yo as a shield to fend off another stone's throw from Chimera.
"I'm open to suggestions .." Chat said standing hiden behind her.
"Hmm .." Ladybug started to think. "I think we're just asking good old fate! Tag in!" she said and with a nod Chat switched places with her making him now stand in front of his partner at lightning speed to fend off the next boulders that had already flown over.
Ladybug herself stood up and threw her Yo-Yo in the air "lucky charm!" and with in a few seconds a huge garden hose appeared.
"What are we supposed to do with it? Make the thing gardening now that it's already digging up the ground?" Chat said slightly sarcastically which Ladybug only answered with a slight roll of her eyes while her glaze travelt to a certain Woman who has now apperead on the front gate.
Nathalie had run back to the villa. 'What is she doing?' though Ladybug. Her otherwise so smoothly combed back hair which was firmly attached to a bun and always looked on point, now stood wildly on all sides. Nathalie's glasses had also been so damaged by the blow that Chimera had given her that she had simply taken off those shorthands. Making her Make-up standing out more and it would probablly the one and only time, that the heros saw her with out her glasses at all. She was now standing there, at the gate to the villa, visibly out of breath with her gaze directed purposefully at the villa.
"Nat- I mean Miss Sancoeur! It's too dangerous! You have to go!" the black cat tried to explain to the woman who he just now noticed but who obviously couldn't hear him. Or to be more specific, ignored him. She had to go to the villa. She had to check on Adrien, know that he was safe.
Ladybug herself was watching Nathalie. She's seen her a few times as Marinette, but she always seemed so distant and professional, as if nothing ever faces her. And now she was standing there, completely finished and a face like three days of rain.
"My Lady!" Chat screamt ripping Ladybug out of her thoughts and feet as he lunged out to protect her from a punch from Chimera.
With a soft "oof" they both fell to the ground. "You have to take care!" Chat admonished her before they quickly got back to their feet.
"I know!" Ladybug said back before she had to avoid another blow from Chimera, which was now targeting her. She quickly took a few steps back to get more distance between the two, before throwing her yo-yo with a firm swing at Chimera to also start an attack. But Ladybug underestimated the incredible strength of her opponent, who snatched the yo-yo out of her hand with one leap and rushed towards her. "Oh ... schooot!" Ladybug said before she closed her eyes out of reflex and crouched down.
Only the sound of a body falling to the ground made her open them again, and she didn't believe what she could see. Nathalie stood protectively in front of her. She saved her from the attack.
"Give me the garden hose. Quick!" Nathalie ordered her now. Even before Ladybug could fully realize what just happend, her body gave the woman the lucky charm with which she was supposed to defeat the opponent, as if caught in a trance.
Fast as lightning, Nathalie ran towards chimera lying on the ground, and grabbed the arm on which the ring was located. With this firmly in her hand, she turned away from her to throw it over her back to the ground with one swing, while wrapping the garden hose around her hand. Then all she had to do was tie the other hand tightly as quickly as possible. Something that didn't even take a few seconds.
'Amazing' thought Chat who just watched the whole thing and stood there just as perplexed. 'What can't she do?'
With all her strength she pushed the ring to the ground and let it crumble under the weight of Chimera itself so that the feather and the butterfly itself rose from it, which would mean the end of the creation.
"Here,little bug!" she called to Ladybug as she tossed the yo-yo to her, which Chimera had snatched from her hand. "Don't forget to catch these things."
Ladybug herself just nodded, she was still too shocked by the amazing strength of this woman. Should she ever find a suitable Miraculous for her, she would go to Nathalie and ask for help. That would make everything be over so much faster.
With a quick swing she caught the amok and the Akuma and once again the day was saved. Even if this time with help.
Nathalie herself was not very interested in the cheering of the onlookers who had gathered around the property and were now amazed to see how Ladybug's lucky charms undone the damage tChimera had done.
Nathalie carefully picked up the now fixed ring and hide it in her fist before she made her way to the villa. She should find Adrien now. Where was he hiding? With her hand she put her hair back in his place before entering the mansion.

From outside ShadowMoth could hear the loud laughter of the people who had watched the whole spectacle with astonishment. Something was just different this time. It didn't bother him that he had lost. He wasn't angry or desperate. More he felt deep emptiness in his heart that he had overdone it again. He had put Nathalie and his son in danger. Nathalie herself was even injured by him. Surely she would be even angrier at him now.
He should have destroyed the sentimonster when he had the chance. Why didn't he do it? All of this now plagued him and hurt him. He was so stupid. Like every time when the feelings overcame him and he could only think of the Miraculousers.
'How foolish ..' he thought to himself before turning away from the window and transforming back. 'I'm really just being foolish ..'
He carefully tied his tie to hide his Miraculouse under it, which was now both wearing, and made his way back to the elevator.

Nathalie herself was exploring the entire rooms of the villa in search of the youngest offspring of the Agrestes. Because of that, she didn't even notice that Gabriel was back. Also had more important things to take care of right now.
"Adrien?" she asked again while opening another door. Where had he been able to hide so well so quickly? "Adrien?" again no answer.
She slowly climbed the stairs of the great hall. "Adrien ..?" she asked one last time but this time she should be heard. The door to his room made several clicks before it was opened and Nathalie could look into Adrien's face. She was immediately relieved while she was running towards him.
"I'm here .." he said quietly, "I thought it would have been a good idea to lock myself up in my room. I was hoping I wouldn't be found there .."
"I was so worried ..." Nathalie replied softly before carefully and slowly wrapping her arms around Adrien "I thought something had happen to you ..."
"I didn't mean to worry you ... I'm sorry"
"It's okay. The important thing is that nothing happened to you!"
"I assure you , I am fine!"
"I am glad .. your father would have .." Nathalie only said before Adrien interrupted her
"My father. Where is he?"
"He ..." stammered Nathalie
"I'm here," said Gabriel, who had now also entered the hall, and hid both hands behind his back to hide the fact that he wasn't wearing his ring. Which would probably lead to questions from Adrien. Adrien himself beamed at the sight and immediately ran down the stairs to his father.
"Are you all right?" he asked now when he was standing in front of Gabriel.
"I was just scared. You seem to be fine"
"Nathalie protected me!"
"So ... I am glad, that she was there for you" Gabriel said and his gaze wandered for a brief moment to the woman who was now slowly coming down the stairs, and was much less pleased to see him.
There was a short pause between everyone involved before Gabriel spoke up again "We should all go back to our work. Adrien. You still have piano lessons"
At these words Adrien suddenly feelt sad again. His face was now filled with grief again. He had hoped that his father would take the evening off for him. After such an experience. Nathalie noticed that too.
"Sir .. I"
"It's okay, Nathalie .. I'm going to play the piano. Thanks for the delicious meal today." Adrien sight sligthly
".... you're welcome," Nathalie just replied before she watched Adrien as he climbed the stairs and disappeared into his room.
"Sir, he was so afraid today," she began once more, "Don't you think you could have given him some more loving words?"
"What was wrong with what I said?"
"... just forget about it ...". She couldn't believe it "I'm taking the rest of the day off, sir. I'm not feeling well," she added before she also disappeared into her room and left Gabriel alone one more time.

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