Hawkmoths final decission

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A deep feeling of emptiness crept into Gabriel as he took the elevator back to his studio. The fact that he had just sent his wife on her last trip flew around his head like a soft veil of fog, but it really did arrive and the consequences of this had not yet really reached him fully yet.
As if in a trance, driven solely by instincts, he went to the large wooden cupboard in his room from which he fished one of the good and by far the most expensive wines in his collection. In this extraordinary situation however, he thought a glass was completely superfluous.
A corkscrew and the bare hand with which you could grip the bottle would do it too.
With a plumbs he sat down on Nathalie's desk chair, on which he apparently enjoyed sitting, and took the first sip.
Gabriel felt miserable. So empty. So full of pain. And no one with whom he could share this. He was more alone than ever before.
With his fingers he reached for his Miraculous over which he let it slide slowly. That damned piece of jewelry had given him nothing but trouble the past year he had it.
It would only be fair if it would bring him what he so painfully wished for In return.
Gabriel then took another sip, a stronger one than the one before, while he picked up his cell phone with which he began to play a little in his hand.
He had no idea what he was doing here. What he hoped for. He was just sure of what he wanted.
"Master?" Nooro asked cautiously as he slowly flew over to him on the desk.
With a simple blink of an eye, Gabriel looked over at him, giving little Kwami his full attention.
"A-Are you really sure?"
"Nooro .. do you have any idea about love?"
"No .. Kwamis don't fall in love .. so .. don't."
"Then let me explain it to you," he said before laying the cell phone back on the desk and placing the bottle next to it. "Love. Is something strange, and at the same time wonderful. And it is so far from any logic.
Love is not logical, it lets you do things that you never thought you could do. "
Confused by these words, the kwami blinked at him. "So are you sure?"
"Yes Nooro. I'm sure. I'll give up on your Miraculous."

Nathalie quickly and precisely stuffed one shirt after the other into a small pocket which she had placed on her bed.
Due to her spontaneous decision, she had not had the opportunity to take many of her things with her. Her clothes only included her work clothes and a couple of T-shirts that Jean had got her so she could change and not wear the same ones all the time.
She would worry about her new robe if she were anywhere else. In a new environment where she would start over.
With another thought, Nathalie now stuffed another shirt into her pocket along with a passport and her remaining hygiene products.
Her gaze fell on a yellow dress that was next to the bag on the bed.
Jean had recently bought it for her, even though she had never really believed it would suit her. Jean, on the other hand, was very convinced of this.
This was a yellow velvet dress with a white pattern, with little neckline and a velvet that would go down to the kneecaps.
So it wasn't even very erotic, more like a dress that you could wear to a picnic on a beautiful Sunday in summer.
If only she would go to something like that anytime soon. Or ever for that matter.
Slowly she took this dress in her hands and continued to look at it. Should she really be wearing it?
The color alone would make it very noticeable, but it would be so unusual for her too, so it could also serve as a disguise. If she were to wear a straw hat with it, it could be perfect.
Or more good enough. Until she could get something new. Or just wash your old clothes normally.

Hawkmoth had meanwhile made himself comfortable on the top of the Eiffel Tower. His gaze was fixed on the whole city. He skilfully ignored the whole mumbling of the people.
Much more, he became more and more impatient. He had made no secret of the fact that he was here now, out there. In the fresh air. After all that had happened, it shouldn't be too long before he got the heroes' attention. Or?
Slowly he put his hands in front of his chest. Should he have akumatized someone? Would that have been better? Should he still do that now? But would he even find someone that quickly?
"Hawkmoth?" Ladybug now called to him. She had settled at a safe distance on the Eiffel Tower away from him. To her Hawkymoth now turned his head.
"took you long enough. Where is the cat?"
Confused by the whole situation, Ladybug watched the man in the purple suit in front of her. She was ready to grab her yo-yo at any time to defend herself. Now that she was the guardian, she had to be extra careful.
"Not there yet. Why?"
"I wanted to talk to you guys."
"Talking? Is that supposed to be a bad joke? You must have just planned something again."
"I really just want to talk."
"Why should I believe you?"
Gabriel had to admit. She had a point. Why should they both trust him.
Suddenly he dropped the stick in his hand and kicked it a bit away from him before he presented both hands clearly what Ladybug was watching.
"I don't have a white flag I could wave right now. But really. I just want to talk. Tie me up with the yo-yo when you feel better."
Caerfully she watched him before starting to relax a bit "What do you want to talk about?"
"I want to give you my Miraculous."
".. You are joking."
"Do I look like someone who is in the mood for jokes?"
"... what's the hitch in the whole thing?"
"I want to ask for something." he tried to explain himself.
"I will not give you our miraculouse. The wish has consequences and-" she interupted him
"I'm not talking about that at all!" Hawkmoth protested, which made Ladybug even more astonished than already. This whole situation was already so strange. "If you don't want our Miraculouse. What do you want then?"
"I want you to help me find Nathalie Sancoeur. Find her and I will give you my Miraculous without any resistance." Ladybug was silent for a few minutes before she picked up her yo-yo and spoke into it. All without losing sight of the man in front of her. "Chat. Swing your whiskas at the Grand Paris Hotel. I have something I need your help with."

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