all it took where a few seconds

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Mayura stood vigilant behind one of the large chimneys on one of the rooftops of Paris. Her eyes were fixed on the city, where she was looking for the heroes. Gabriel's plan had been to reinforce a Sentimonster with an Akuma again, which hopefully would make it so stronger and gave them a realistic chance to win. And as the cherry on top of the cake of the 'perfect' plan, Mayura should support the Sentimonster as an additional force. With their strength, Hawkmoth was certain that this time they would be able to remove the jewelry from the heroes from them into they own hands. He himself had hidden a few houses further and was also ready to intervene in the fighting if the opportunity arose.
The Sentimonster itself stood on one of the higher roofs and used its powers to cause unrest. Mayura had given her creation the body of a 14 year old girl who would easily pass as one of Adrien's classmates while Hawkmoth had provided this sentimonster with powers that would allow her to turn everyone around her into harmless butterflies.
Her outfit itself also seemed very reminiscent of a butterfly. So she wore a kind of coat which ended from the waist around in two butterfly wings, while her hair adorned two strands that stuck down and also seemed light like the wings of a butterfly to his. The creation had dark purple hair and bright blue eyes hidden behind a silver mask. The whole thing between Mayura, Hawkmoth and the sentimonster 'Aglais' looked like a family on the way to wreak havoc and bring despair to anyone standing in they way.
"Why hasn't they shown up yet?" Mayura heard the voice of Hawkmoth speak to her through her fan.
"I am sure they will show up soon." she replied while keeping her eyes focused on the city. The heroes rarely took so much time to show up and defeat they enemy. "Should I look for them?"
"I think that won't be necessary. Besides I still need you for the moment of surprise." he explained to her and for a brief moment Mayuras memories went back to the night before where Gabriel explained to her the plan in full details. One specific sentences rang trough her memory. 'You will throw Ladybug and take the Miraculous out of her hand before she can do anything about it: I am sure with your power, we will succeed!'
A slight smile formed on Mayura's lips and yet she couldn't get rid of the uncomfortable feeling, which spread like a bad premonition in her. A feeling like something bad could happen at any moment.

"M'Lady!" Chat Noir greeted his partner as he landed beside her while she was hiding behind a tree.
"Psst" admonished Ladybug as she grabbed her finger in front of her lips. "Do you see what I see?" she whispered to him while Chat crouched behind her and parked his hands on her shoulders.
"Did Hawkmoth finally give up and pass his Miraculous to someone else? Is that Lila?"
"Last time I checked, Nooro's powers couldn't turn people into butterflies."
"So it is an Akuma?"
"That or a sentimonster. In any case, we have to be on our guard and watch out."
"So do you already have a plan, Bugaboo?"
"Something like that. We have to be careful." Ladybug said before reaching for her yo-yo. "I have a bad feeling about the whole thing. So let's be even more careful then we are usually."

Aglais herself still hadn't noticed the heroes. Not only because she wasn't interested in them at all. But because she was much more interested in entertaining herself by turning passers-by who where screaming in fear into harmless, nice little butterflies, which then flew away in all directions.
Because of that, she was much more surprised when the realization hit her in the form of a red yo-yo, which she got in the middle of her face which served as a reminded that she was no longer alone.
Angry, she turned to her attacker who was a few meters in front of her.
"Paris is called the city of love because it should put butterflies in people's stomachs. I think you misunderstood something," said Ladybug with a smile on her face
"but this solves the Pigeonproblem in record speed!" Aglais called before she set out to pay back the attack to her opponent.
"She is there!" Hawkmoth said mentioning the obvious to Mayura.
"But where is the cat?" she asked. There was no trace of Ladybug's partner.
Ladybug in the meantime struggeld against the Sentimonster.
It was strong. 'Could she be a martial arts student?' It shot the heroine through the head in form of a thought. Soon she realized a defensive way wasn't an option here. She firmly clutched her weapon and started the counterattack to push her opponent back, making her struggle for a change. Reinforcements would come in 10 minutes.
Ladybug led her yo-yo further and faster, almost like a helicopter, which now softened Aglais. The fact that her Miraculous gave her superhuman powers didn't make things any better for the creature. What Ladybug hadn't expected was another opponent.
Mayura had attacked her from the side like a bolt of lightning, grabbed her arm and gave her an acquaintance with the fireplace two buildings away from Aglais.
With a soft "uff" Ladybug came crawling out of the rubble only to be swept off her legs by Mayura again making her go down once more. The woman who wore the Peacock Miraculous was quick and, above all, strong.
With a small kick Mayura pulled away Ladybug's yo-yo before pulling her up by the arm to grab her earrings.
"Hands off the beetle!" Suddenly she heard a voice calling to her. In just a few seconds she saw in the corner of her eyes how something came shooting at her, which she could just avoid.
"The cavalry is here!" said the person who now stood protectively in front of Ladybug and across from Mayura.
"RenaRouge!" gasped Ladybug in relief when she saw her friend.
"What's wrong? Is the cat on vacation?" Mayura asked with a slight grin. "And you are now the replacment?"
But before anyone could even answer her question, Mayura flicked with her fingers making Aglais appeared in seconds, who now pounced on Rena, which involved her in a fight. "I don't have time to take care of you, fox. I have more important things to do"
Ladybug who had long since picked herself up and regained her yo-yo now looked sincerely up at Mayura. She couldn't afford to underestimated her.
Slowly she began to let the yo-yo circle without losing eye contact with her opponent. Which seems to slightly amused Mayura. "What is it? Do we fight or do we exchange makeup tips?" she asked waiting for Ladybug to start to attack her.
"How about some cat stories?" Ladybug said and before Mayura could react quickly enough, Chat had already sneaked up on her and now blocked Mayura's arms with his staff by hugging her weirdly from behind. While she was still fidgeting, it was Ladybug's turn to lean on her opponent. But not to attack her. The goal here was Mayura's Miraculous. With that her fight would ended. But Mayura knew how to prevent that. With a kick in Ladybug's stomach she let her go to the ground once more before she yanked Chats weapon from him freeing her in the process and let him fall over her shoulders next to Ladybug.
"Ouch ...! I call hacks!" he just exclaimed out of frustration.
"Skill, my dear" Mayura answerd while fiddling with Chat's weapon in hand.
Angry, Chat got up again and started another attack on Mayura. He still mastered this particular martial art and it still made Mayura ponder. With Chat Stick in Hand she defends herself making the holder of the black cat miraculous angrier by the second.
Rena Rouge had been busy keeping Aglais at bay during this time. Again and again she looked over her shoulders at the heroes. She had to help them. But how. "Wait a minute..!" she said before quickly grabbing Aglais arms. She then proceed to trow the Sentimonster just like Mayura did before with the heros, over her shouldern on the ground to then quickly run over to Chat to help him snap the weapon out of Mayuras Hands. Mayura slighty surprised for a second, was enough for Chat to snap the stick out of her hands back into his while Rena making her slip and fall to the ground.
Ladybug, on the other hand, use this chance to tie up Mayura as quickly as she could with her Yo-Yo just as she has done before make her and Mayura unable to move.
"Chat!" she called to her partner "Grab your Miraculous! Hurry!"
With a nod of the head, the boy in the cat outfit ran towards Mayura, ready to grab her Miraculous and finally find out who is behind the mask.
But before he could even reach her, he felt like someone grabbed his belt and hurled him back. Hawkmoth had finally shown up.
"Hawkmoth!" Ladybug called before glancing at Rena to get ready. After all, Ladybug couldn't fight without rescuing Mayura. Which she couldn't to after the struggle they had to just get her there.
Hawkmoth moved hastily to attack Ladybug, which only Rena could prevent. But even she didn't really had a chance against the man who was now standing in front of her.
She, too, was swept off her legs quickly, which left Laddybug and Hawkmoth the last one standing.
"Release her!" he now admonished Ladybug.
Fear was evident in Ladybug's eyes. What should she do? She couldn't fight or call her good old luckycharm for support without releasing Mayura.
"Right! now!" Hawkmoth admonished her one more time, this time even more anger could be heard in his words.
"Ladybug!" called Chat Noir who had got himself up and was now running cataclysm at Hawkmoth to save his partner. "Leave her alone, Grandpa!"
With a slight movement he dodged the attack and grabbed the cat by his arms to hold him tight. It was almost like the time when they had to exchanged partners since none of them was willing to sacrifice them.
"Don't listen to him!" Chat said while Mayura looked just as unsure over to Hawkmoth as the boy looking to his partner.
But what then followed were not even 10 seconds who would change everything.
Before Hawkmoth could even react to Rena, she had already reached out her arm to grab Mayura's Miraculous, making use of the fact that the man in the butterflycostume seemed forgett about her because he was to focused on the Ladybug. In the same moment ,Ladybug had decided to use her yo-yo to save Chat resulting in Mayura getting freed slowly.
In the fractions of a second, Rena Rouge grabbed Mayura's Miraculous making the blue flash over her body.
Without thinking about it for a second, Hawkmoth let go Chat Noir to grab Mayura and save her. He quickly grabbed the woman, lift her to his arms and tried to flee with her.
But while the light of the sun shimmered on the Miraculous in Rena's hands you could see how all 3 heroes could not believe their eyes.
Hawkmoth was to late. The blue sheen had already turned Mayura back into Nathalie, revealing her secret identity.
Even if she wasn't in the place any more, where she just stood seconds ago, they all saw it.

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