right where you left me

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The party, he could feel, were moving on. Will and Mike took off to the safety with their families in their own homes. Dustin had lost Eddie, but he tried his best to be happy. El, the all powerful mage she was, came to visit almost everyday. She was racked by guilt and stayed, of course, but even she left the bedside from time to time.  The strangers scattered all over the broken town try their best to forget, rebuild, heal from the 'earthquake' that shook the foundations of Hawkins. Some, though, stay right where their loved ones left them.

He waits here, at her side, for days, weeks, months on end. Visiting hours were only so long. All the nurses know his name. Lucas Sinclair, the boy who waits for his girl they don't even know will ever return. They pity this boy, sitting in the hospital chair, reading to the girl. A million pages turned, a million cassettes played, she still won't wake. Ever since the day Hell broke loose, like glass on a clock's face, shattered over a once peaceful society, like a relationship between two.

The time moves, or it doesn't at all. Her heart monitor is the only sound in times like this. Erica tries to get her brother to go home, eat, sleep, live. How can he live when he knows she isn't? Of course she is though, clinically, but is she really living living? No. She isn't there beside him, laughing to some Friday night movie. He tries to believe, he wants her to come back as he sits there, as if staring would help. What can he really do?

The town hears of a girl, a survivor of the 'Hellfire murders'. Same symptoms, injuries, same faults in the lines. Except she didn't make it through without suffering. She's just frozen in time. 

Her birthday had just passed, meaning she was sixteen now. Lucas had to think of a birthday gift. Really, the only gift he wanted to give her was the gift of consciousness. Who knows, should she ever thaw through the ice, if the same fifteen-year old girl will emerge. Wherever she is in there, would her fantasies take their place where happiness would thrive? Or is she stuck in a place of delusions, where the nightmares continue on? Lucas hopes she's fighting for the better place. Really the better place is here, right beside him, in the conscious world.

He still wants her.
In this dull hospital room, in the white hospital lights. He still wants her. But he can feel her slowly fading away, even as he sits there, in place where she's left him.


Someone help her, for she is still in the darkness. Stuck floating in the black waves of unconsciousness. If only she could reach for a lifeline, something to hold onto and pull her out.

She scowers her mind to think of something, someone. Lucas.
Is he out there, somewhere waiting for her to come back to him? If so, then she wants to tell him. But the barrier is still there, and she just can't break through yet.

Where is he? Has he moved on yet? Is he happy, with a thriving life with someone other than her? He can't be, because she's still here, unaware of the world outside her own body. That couldn't happen, no, she could never bear witness to their love dying young. Should she really return to a world without the love of Lucas? She's so close to drowning in the waves, but she remembers that beeping sound she had once heard before.

She thinks for it and tries to grasp the conscious thought in her hands, but it's been so long, and the thought slips away too easily.

She's left in the darkness, left in the place where her loved ones left her.

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