{Chapter Fourteen}

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______"We're coming for ya/ Now you can't ignore us We will stand, we will fight/ we'll take everything we need" - New Kings (Sleeping Wolf) _____

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"We're coming for ya/ Now you can't ignore us
We will stand, we will fight/ we'll take everything we need"
- New Kings (Sleeping Wolf)


AS ALL FOURTY CAMPERS made they're way back down the elevator things were tense, quiet, and everyone starting to sweat with the anticipation for what was to come. Arya knew all eyes were on her and Percy, that no matter what they were feeling on the inside, they had to stay confident on the outside.

So that's exactly what she did, she summoned her trident into her hand and kept her chin up, her chest out, her breathing steady, her voice strong. It seemed to be working, everyone seemed to follow her without hesitation, it was also helping calm some of her internal anxiety. She was starting to see the truth behind the phrase 'Fake it till you make it'.

Once they were back on the outside of the Empire State Buildings, and everyone took a minute to take things in on the ground level, which only heightened everyone's worries, there was something more unsettling about standing beside the people who were passed out rather than just staring at them from up above. Reality settled in, then Arya and Percy jumped to work.

Percy started explaining everything to Argus while Arya called over Mrs. O'Leary and worked to calm her down. Argus seemed annoyed as the rest of them were about the gods not coming to help, and agreed with Percy that he was needed back at camp.

The bodyguard pointed Percy then shifted his finger to point at Arya.

"We're staying. If the gods won't defend the city that hosts them, then we're gonna have to step up and do it." Arya said.

Argus nodded and gave them a thumbs up. He turned to Jake Mason, of all people which surprised Arya, and took one hand and hovered it over his wrist. Jake glanced over to Arya before nodding his head. Argus lifted his bag from the car and pulled out two metal pieces and a notebook, handing them to the young councilor. Argus then turned to Annabeth and drew a circle with his finger.

"Yes." She said. "I think it's time."

Argus took no time in pulling out the metal shield that was going to effectively cover their butts, and handing it to Annabeth. Arya might not have known what was handed to Jake Mason, but she knew exactly what had just been handed to Annabeth.

Annabeth set the shield on the ground and brushed it, causing the reflection of the sky and the buildings to change into the Statue of Liberty.

"Whoa," Percy said. "A video shield."

"One of Daedalus's ideas," Annabeth informed him. "I had Beckendorf make this before-" She glanced at Silena and Arya who had to close her eyes at the reminder. "Um, anyway, the shield bends sunlight or moonlight from anywhere in the world to create a reflection. You can literally see any target under the sun or moon, as long as natural light is touching it. Look."

Confidence & Pride// [Percy Jackson OC]// Book 5Where stories live. Discover now