Chapter 18

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When I wake up everyone else was awake and the General and Dr. Was waiting for me to wake up a s well.
I felt fuzzy and warm but not a good type of warm like a "I'm so high" type of warm.
I look at the General in the eyes.
"Has anyone ever told you you have a resting bitch face" I giggle and Robin and Steve start to laugh too.
The doctor places a bunch of metal tools on a table.
"Would now be a good time to tell you I don't like the doctors?" Robin asks.
"Let's try this again yes? Who do you work for?" The general asks Steve.
"Scoops" Steve says that make Robin and I burst out in laughter.
"Scoops ahoy"
"How did you find us?" The general asks.
"Totally by accident" Steve replies.
The doctor picks up a tool.
"Ooo shiny" i watch as he walks over to Steve.
The Dr picks up Steve's finger.
"Hey woah woah woah wait no wait" Steve shouts.
"There was a code we heard a code!" I scream.
The general walks over to me.
"What code?" He asks me.
"The week is long the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in blue blah blah blah you broadcast that stupid shit all over this pathetic town and we cracked in a day! A day!" I laugh.
"Who knows we are here you little bitch" The general shouts.
"Uh well Dustin knows" Steve pipes up.
"Hey Steve" Robins warns him.
"Yeah Dustin Henderson knows and he's probably calling Hopper and Hoppers calling the US cavalry"
"Steve" I shout.
"They're gonna come in here commando style guns a blazing and kick your sorry asses back to Russian your gonna be two sorry pieces of toast" we all burst out laughing uncontrollably.
The Dr and the General both start laughing as well.
An alarm starts blaring which makes us all stop.
The General leaves and soon after Dustin runs in screaming with a taser rod and electrocutes the Dr.
"Hey Henderson we were just talking about you" Steve laughs.
"Get ready to run!" Dustin shouts as he unites us from the chairs.
All three of us stumble out of the chairs and run out the door. We all jump into the back and Dustin drives down the long hallway.
I stand up laughing as I try and stay still without falling. I step back and trip over Robins leg which causes me to fall over.
We both laugh even harder.
"Stop I'm pissing myself" I scream with uncontrollable laughter.
After a while of mucking about in the back we screech to a holt causing al three of us to slam into the wall.
Dustin and Erica help us out and we get into the elevator.
I sit on the floor in the corner watching Steve surfboard on a trolley with Robin pushing it as the elevator moves upwards.
Steve falls and lands in my lap.
"What's wrong with them?" Erica asks.
"I don't know" Dustin crouches down by Steve and I and checks his pupils.
"He's drugged, they all are look at there pupils" Dustin says.
"How many times dad I don't do drugs" Steve laughs.
The elevator stops and Dustin opens the door to the outside world.
All here of us run out with our mouths hung wide open.
"Has air ever tasted this good?" Robin asks.
"I don't think so" I respond.
"I think I swallowed a fly" Steve chokes and Robin and I laugh at him.
"Hey!" Two guards shout running towards us.
"Oh shit" Dustin pushes us through a door and we run down a hallway into a back door for the cinema.
Dustin and Erica sit us in front row seats for back to the future.
"Nooo these are such bad seat" Steve whines.
"I don't care you need to stay put and stay quiet" Dustin shout whispers and him and Erica go and sit on the other end of the aisle.
Steve pulls out a bag of popcorn.
"Hey where did you get that from?" I ask sticking my hand in the bag and pulling a hand full of popcorn out.
I extend my neck back as far as I can to see the screen Steve was right these were shit seats.
"Hey this is really boring and I'm really thirsty wanna go?" Robin asks.
Steve and I look at each other before all three of us get up and sneak out of the cinema and over to the water fountain.
I run over to the water fountain so I would get there first and glug as much water as Steve would let me before he pushed me away and started drinking.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that kid went to the past to bang his mom" Robin says.
"What?" I ask
"No the kids stuck in the past and he's trying to get to the present or the future that's why it's called back to the future" Steve explains.
"Ok but does he have to bang his mum in the process?" I ask
"Move" Robin whines shoving Steve of the water fountain.
I look up at the ceiling but the lights looked like they were dancing.
"Yo come look at this" I call them all over.
Robin and Steve run over to me.
"Wow" they both say.
Then my stomach starts to feel funny and we all dash to the bathroom.

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