Chapter 19

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                                                                ~Head Over Heals~

I stick my head out from the toilet and lean against the cubicle wall.
"You both all right?" Steve asks.
"I think I just threw up my organs but apart from that pretty good what about you Robin?" I respond.
"I second that" she says. "I think the drugs have worn of"
"Let's ask questions to each other to see if they have" Steve suggests.
"Ok" Robin and I reply.
"Natalie where do we all work?" Steve asks.
"Scoops ahoy that's easy"
"Ok Steve let me ask you a harder one" Robin says "have you ever been in love?"
"Yeah" he makes a gun shot noise "4 months broke up with me the night I was going to tell her I love"
"Are you still in love with her?" Robin asks.
"Oh 100% I think I'll always be in love with her" Steve reply's.
"Wow what's so great about her if you think you'll always love her?" Robin questions and I could sense where she was going with this.
"I mean what's not great about her she's smart talented a total bad ass everyone she meets loves her, her laugh is so contagious and her smile honestly lights up a room. I could stare at her forever and notice every single flaw and I would still love her. She's never been to school but she cracked a top secret Russian code in less then a day and she's nothing like any of the other girls I've dated I mean she has superpowers for crying out loud" Steve rambles.
I put my head on my knees and a foot came under the cubicle door and nudge me I could feel robins smirk burning at the back of my neck.
"Nat did you just od in there?" Robin asks.
"No" I mumble trying to hold back my tears.
Steve slides under the gap between the cubicles.
"The floors all dirty" I say into my knees.
"Yeah well I've already got blood and puke all over my shirt so" Steve says.
Robin walks into my cubicle and sits opposite Steve.
"Hey" Steve nudges me and I look at him.
"What do you think I should do?" He asks me.
"I think you are clearly still heavily drugged" I respond.
"Really cause I think I'm thinking straighter then normal" he says.
"Trust me your not because you deserve better I mean this girl has done bad things that are unforgivable and she's not as smart as you think" I shake my head.
"Natalie" he touches my cheek gently "I love you"
"I'm sorry Steve I am" I son.
"Hey you don't have to say it back" he holds my hand.
"Bullshit" Robin interrupts "I'm sorry but Natalie I have had to listen to you go on and on about how much you love him and you wished you were both still together"
"Robin!" Steve and I shout in unison.
"I'm sorry but it's the truth" Robin holds her hands up in defence.
"She doesn't have to say it at least I know she thinks it" Steve smiles at me.
And I start getting all shy which never happens.
Steve turns to Robin with a smirk on his face "so in high school you had a crush on me huh"
I raise my eyebrows and Robin and I share a look.
"Steve I didn't like you in high school" robin explains.
"What do you mean you were obsessed with me?" Steve asks.
"I was obsessed with you because Tammy Thompson wouldn't stop looking at you and I wanted her to look at me and every day I would go home and scream into my pillow" Robin says.
"But Tammy Thompson's a girl?" Steve looks between Robin and I.
"Steve" I nudge his leg. His mouth falls open as he realises.
"Yeah" robin trails of.
After a moment of silence robin nudged Steve. "Did you just od over there?" She asks.
"No im just processing, Tammy Thompson she has no career I'm sorry but she wants to be a singer" Steve says.
"People can have dreams" Robin hits him on the arm.
"I know but she sounds like Kermit the frog singing the national anthem" Steve burst out singing in a Kermit voice Robin and I join in laughing.
Dustin and Robin burst into the cubicle "what the hell?!" He shouts
He gets us all up and we all walk to the exit.
"Where is your car parked?" Dustin asks.
Steve rummages through his pockets "they took my keys The Russians"
"Ok so we have to walk to my house" Dustin suggests.
"You might not want to do that I sort of told them your full name" Steve confesses.
Dustin stops "you did what?!"
"I was drugged" Steve says.
"So you take it like a man!" Dustin argues.
"Sorry for the disturbance" we hear a mans boice.
Right by the exit the two Russian guards where checking everyone.
"Hey!" They shout and we all run.
We slide down the slid in between the two escalators.
I stop and turn around.
"Natalie come on" Steve shouts at me tugging on my arm.
"I'll get us some time ok just hide" I say before jumping into a table.
"Hey over hear!" I shout "you want me right come get me"
Steve robin Dustin and Erica hide behind a counter in the food court whilst the two guards walk over to me.
I run around the food court and hide behind a counter.
I hear a man whistle. I open the draw and take out a knife.
I lift it up above the counter and look in the reflection.
There was now four men three with a gun and one without.
I put the knife in my bra and shut my eyes taking a deep breath.
I jump over the counter and slide across the floor slide tackling one of the guards to the floor. We both roll around on the floor fighting for his weapon.
I grab the gun and he shoots bullets into the sky. I jab the end of it on his nose hard which knocks him out. I stand up with the gun and get ready to fire at the other guard that didn't have a weapon.
"Where are your other men?" I ask
He points behind me and I turn around. The other two men where walking towards where Steve Robin Dustin and Erica where hiding.
I hold a gun to the unconscious guards head.
"You shoot him I will tell my men to kill your friends" he lifts up his walkie talkie on his shoulder. "We only want you"
I shoot the man and take out my knife and sling it at the other one before he could press the button on his walkie talkie.
I turn around. "Hey over here!" I shout.
The other men turn to look at me and the all start firing the guns. I jump behind the counter.
The car on display starts to beep and it's thrown at the guards knocking them down.
I stand up from behind the counter and look up.
El Mike Will Nancy Jonathon Lucas and Max were all looking down at us.
I smile as I run up the stairs to them.
Steve Dustin robin and Erica got there before me.
I pull El into a hug and wipe the blood from her nose.
"Where have you been?" She asks.
"Stuck but I'm here now" I say.
I noticed that Max and mike where holding her up.
I look down at her leg.
There was blood on her trousers.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I was bitten by the shadow monster" El says.
"As in the thing that controlled Will last year?" I ask.
"Yes" Will says "but this time it has a new host, Billy"
I look at Max.
"I'm sorry is anyone else confused on how that car flew and hit the Russians if it wasn't Natalie?" Robin asks.
"Wait those were Russians!?" Jonathon says.
"Yes and El is like me she has powers" I reply.
"I'm sorry who's this?" Nancy gestures towards Robin.
"I'm Robin I work with Steve and Nat"
I turn around to see El holding her ears.
"Hey are you-" But before I finish she falls into my arms in pain.
"My leg" she shouts.
Jonathon lifts up the bottom of her trouser to reveal a purple moving bump inside her leg.
Everyone gathers around us.
Mike holds her hand whilst she lays in my lap with my arms wrapped around her.
"I'll be back just keep her conscious" Jonathon shouts running away.
"El look at me ok?" And as soon as I got her attention I carried on talking.
"When we get home we'll have the biggest most greatest triple decker egos and we will rewatch all our favourite tv shows with Hop"
Jonathon comes back. "Bite on this" he hands her a spoon to put in her mouth as he puts on gloves.
"Jonathon what are you doing?" Nancy asks.
"Getting this thing out of her leg El this is going to hurt like hell" Jonathon picks up the knife and steadies himself.
"Ok El keep your eyes on me" I repeat.
Jonathon starts to cut open her wound causing a muffled scream from El.
The thing inside her leg moves away so Jonathon couldn't get it. He takes a deep breath before sticking his hand inside her leg making everyone gag which doesn't help El as she spits out the wooden spoon.
"I can do it!" She shouts.
Jonathon takes his hand out of her leg and she sits up.
She holds out her hand and screams as she pulls the little parasite out of her leg.
She flings it onto the floor and it crawls away but it didn't get far until a black boot steps on it.

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