Chapter 26

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                                                      ~He Was Looking At Me~

I park my bike in Hawkins high car park and enter the school.
I walk into the sports hall where the cheer leaders where doing their routine.
I spot a familiar face, Steve. My eyes travel to the girl next to him who was talking to him but Dteve wasn't paying attention. He was looking at me.
I walk up the stairs to try and find my seat and lucky for me they were right in front of him and his date.
I look to my right and see Robin in her band uniform holding a trumpet.
She waves at me and I wave back.
The tigers run in and the crowd goes wild clapping and cheering.
Lucas was looking around trying to find his friends his eyes land on me and his face lights up. We both wave at each other and the basketball team starts doing some drills to get warmed up.
I look at the row of people but Mike, Dustin and Max were no where to be found.
I look back at Lucas who was running around I felt bad for him.
The noise stops and both teams go to the edge of the basketball court and the cheerleaders sit down.
The head master steps into the middle of the basketball court.
"If everyone will please welcome our very own Tammy Thompson straight from Nashville who will be singing the national anthem if everyone could please stand up and join her" he says into the microphone.
My mouth drops open as I see this blonde hair girl step up to the mic.
Everyone was screaming praises at her and I looked at robin with absolute shock.
Everyone stands and she starts to sing.
I had to keep my eyes shut so I wouldn't laugh because Steve was right she sounded like a muppet.
"Doesn't she sound amazing" someone says behind me.
I turn around and it was Steve's date that said it.
Steve and I shared a look before I turned back around muffling my laughter.
Once it ends everyone sits down and the game begins still no sight of the kids anywhere and I could tell it was killing Lucas inside.

It was the last two minutes and tigers team captain Jason called a time out to discuss how they were going to get the last point.
Once the group splits Jason grabs the ball he shoots but misses. It bounces or the rim of the hoop and onto the floor in front of Lucas.
Lucas picks up the ball and dribbles further away from the hoop.
Everyone stands up. If Lucas scored this point they would have won the tournament but there was only 10 seconds left.
Lucas jumps into the air and his hands push the basketball up.
The basketball goes flying through the air and lands on the rim of the basketball hoop it spins around mockingly at everyone. Finally the ball goes in just before the buzzer goes of. That was the match.
Everyone starts screaming and chanting his name.
Some of his team mates lift him up into the air. The opposing team looked defeated as they sat on their bench.
Everyone flooded of the bleachers to congratulate him. There was too many people for me to get to him so I waited for him outside.

Everyone was slapping his back as he walked through the car park and congratulating him.
He stops and sees all his friends and his sister come out of a building cheering and congratulating Erica.
I go over to him.
"Lucas you did amazing" I say high fiving him.
"Thanks I didn't know you'd be in town" he says.
"It's a surprise" I reply.
Lucas's eyes dart over to his friends. "Hey their going to regret not coming to this game ok? Don't let them ruin your pride" I rub his shoulder.
"Hey Lucas!" One of his team mates shout over to him. "You coming to celebrate with us?" He asks.
"Yeah" Lucas calls back and then turns to me "go have fun and don't get too wasted" I push him towards his friends and he runs over to them giving me a huge smile.
I turn around and sigh as all the kids where still cheering but then I noticed Max wasn't there.
I check my watch and it was getting late so I headed back to the hotel and decided to see Max tomorrow.

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