Chapter 8

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                                                                ~My Favourite~

A month later it was a week before the snow ball dance at Hawkins middle and El Hopper and I were sitting on the couch arguing about whether El can go or not.
"We can't risk it" Hopper argues.
"What if I was to chaperone and we'll keep each other safe?" I ask.
"That's actually not a bad idea" hopper responds.
"I'll ask Nancy tomorrow because she's chaperoning as well" I say.
"Thank you" El hugs me and runs to the phone to tell Mike.

A week later El and I were getting ready in her room.
"Last touches" I say applying lipgloss to her lips.
"So are you planning on kissing Mike tonight?" I ask.
"I don't know are you planning on kissing Steve" she reply's.
"I-" she caught me off guard.
"Steve won't be there he's in high school now come on Hoppers dropping us of and we're gonna be late if we don't leave now"
We both walk out of her bedroom and Hopper turns around.
"You both look stunning" he says.
He drives us to the snow ball.
"Remember 9:00 o'clock on the dot" Hopper reminds us.
"We know" El and I say in unison as we get out the car.
I walk to the ticket booth by the door where I would be working I would have a view of El and out the window.
After giving people tickets for a while Dustin comes in.
"Hey Dustin" I say.
"Hey Natalie uh Steve's in the car by the way he refuses to get out to talk to you" Dustin takes his ticket and walks in.
I look out the window and see Steve staring at me.
I wave at him and he turns around and shakes his head before getting out his car.
He walks inside.
"Dustin said you refuse-" I start before Steve grabs my waist and pull me in for a kiss.
At first I was shocked and then just let it flow I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.
In that moment the world slowed down and went silent the music from the Snow Ball dies down and it was like Steve and I were the only people in the world. My stomach jolts and feels funny like a new door had opened.
My first kiss was with Steve the 'hair' Harrington and I wasn't complaining it was magic that Papa couldn't hide away in a lab because it was powerful and true and pure like no other and I craved it.
Steve slowly pulls away.
"I have 5 minutes left on this and then do you wanna go dance?" I ask.
"Yeah let me just park my car" he runs out and punches the air.
I laugh as I realise there was a queue of people waiting.
Once Steve comes back we walk into the hall where everyone was slow dancing.
"You know how to do this?" Steve asks.
"Nope" I say bluntly.
"I'll teach you" Steve reply's.
He places my arms around my neck and his arms snake around my waist.
We sway to the music.
"Your a pro" he says.
I laugh. "I've stepped on your feet twice and you've winced both times"
Steve's eyes travel over my head to someone behind me.
I turn around to see Dustin hiding behind streamers sitting on the bleachers.
"I'll be back" I say to Steve.
I walk through the streamers to see Dustin crying. When he sees me he quickly wipes his tears.
"Hey" I say.
"Hey" he says back.
"Wanna dance?" I ask.
"What?" Dustin responds.
"Come on let's go" I grab Dustins hand and lead him into the crowd of people.
"Now I'm not very good at this but I'm learning" I tell him.
Dustin laughs.
"You know out of all of you kids you've got to have the best hair and your the funniest and smartest and you can't tell anyone but your my favourite" I tell him.
"Really?" He asks.
"Really!" I repeat.
I look over to see a group of girls staring at us.
"Groups of girls this age are dumb but give them a few years they'll wise up and they'll realise how cool you are"
"You think so?" Dustin asks.
"Oh I know so" I tell him.
"Mind if I dance with him?" A girl asks.
"Of course" I say moving out of the way for them to dance.
I walk backwards into someone.
"You know you really should stop walking backwards if your gonna keep on bumping into to me" a familiar voice says spinning me around.
"Hey asshole" I say.
"Hey stalker" Steve responds.
The song changes into a more upbeat one and the slow atmosphere changes and everyone starts to jump up and down screaming and laughing.

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