Chapter 25

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~Trip Down Memory Lane~

I wake up in a sweat breathing heavily a flight attendant was crouched down next to my seat with her hand on my shoulder and she was holding a cup of water.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"Yeah sorry just a bad dream" I reply.
"Ok well we're landing shortly have some water" she places the water on my table and walks off.
I control my breathing before taking a sip of water and going back to my music.

When we landed I went to the bathroom in the airport and splashed my face with water to make sure I was 100% awake this time.
I leave the airport and get in a taxi.
I tell the driver the address of my hotel that I would be staying in and he drives me there.
We go past a 'welcome to Hawkins' sign but Hawkins was crossed out with red spray paint and hell was written next to it.
I watch the town I had previously loved flash by me as we drive further and further into town.
We go past the woods I used to live in and my eyes prick with tears as the thought of my dad fills my mind.
The taxi driver opens the window and a cool breeze wafts in.
We drove past the abandoned lab and the abandoned star court mall.
My heart jolts a tiny bit and I start to become more anxious.
I was so anxious I hadn't realised the car had stopped.
"Ma'am we're here" the driver says.
"Oh thank you" I grab my bag and shut the door.
I walk into the hotel and over to the reception.
"Hello how can I help you" A smiley lady said.
She grinned big at me showing her pearly white teeth.
"Hi I've got a room booked under the name Byers" I said.
Joyce had booked it under her name as to not raise any suspicion because of my last name Hopper.
"Ok your staying for a week correct?" She asks staring at her computer screen.
"Correct" I repeat back to her.
"Ok great" she taps some keys on her computer before grabbing some keys. "Your room #8 on floor 3 have a wonderful stay"
I take the keys from her "you too" I smile.
I walked up the stairs but I only got half way before I realised what I had said.
I groan and I put my hand over my eyes.
After I had got over that embarrassing moment that would haunt me forever I continue to walk up the stairs.
I get to my room and chuck my bag in my bed.
I walk over to my window I didn't have much of a view but what could I expect it was Hawkins after all. I sigh and put on my jacket and leave my room.
I walk through Hawkins until I get to the woods.
I follow a pathway that led to Dads grave.
When I arrive my eyes fill with tear the tombstone read.
'Hero, father, friend, co-worker, chief'
I walk over to it and crouch down.
I brush if the dead leaves that layer on it and sorted out the gifts.
I place a kiss on my fingers and trace those same fingers through the carvings of his name. I lean my forehead against the tombstone and cry.

After a while I get up and walk further into the woods to where our cabin was.
I step into the cabin and there was a hole in the roof and the floor was covered with leaves, dirt and dust.
I flick the light switch but nothing happens. I walk into my old bedroom and lean against the door frame.
I notice a floor board peaking out from under my bed and then I remember.
I kneel down next to the floorboard and pull it open revealing a shoe box.
I take out the shoe box and open it. Inside was filled with memories.
I pull out pictures of Dad El and I at Christmas and us playing board games. Steve and I in my bedroom or at the movies. Robin and I at Scoops. All the kids surprising me for my birthday. It was the little things that I had left in Hawkins that would have made me a lot happier in Lenora. As I dig deeper into the box I pull out some of my past.
The two pistols I had pointed at Steve and Dustin when I first formally introduced myself to them and the suit that I wore. The belt where I had all my twisted Russian gear on.
I put it all in the shoe box and pick it up.
I was about to leave when I remembered my motorbike. I couldn't take it to Lenora and to my surprise it was still here leant up against the outside of the cabin with a dirty tarp covering it.
I pull of the cover and cough at the dust particles that came of it.
I fish through my pocket and find my key chain that had my keys to everything on it.
I sit on the bike and put the key in. I start the engine and rev it a couple of times.
"Hello old girl" I mutter before zooming off through the forest.

I was going to see Max but she was in school and so was everyone else so I would see them tonight at Lucas's basketball game but for now I was going to take a trip down memory lane and visit some of my favourite places in Hawkins.

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