Chapter 22

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~You Will Fall~

For the past 3 months Joyce has taken El and I under her wing and now we were all moving to Lenora, California.
Steve and I spent the past months together soaking up every last memory.
Today was the day, moving day.
I walk past the living room and as I do Max and Lucas was singing  never ending story whilst Dustin waved his middle finger around at them.
I walk into Joyce's bedroom and no one was in there.
I walk over to a box labelled Hopper and sit down.
I open the box and see an envelope along with his other belongings.
I take it out and the letter was addressed to me. 'My darling Natalie'
I flip open the envelope and pull out the piece of paper inside and unfold it.

To my darling Natalie,

In the past 2 years I have watched you grow from a teenager into a strong and independent women and I couldn't except that.
From what I've learnt is I'm not very good at heart to hearts so I thought it would be best I wrote you a letter.

The truth is when you and El came into my life I had a reason to live, I had a reason to wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night.
Not only was it a reason to live but the day you jumped in my car I knew you were my daughter and for so long I didn't want to believe it until it was confirmed by Dr Owens. Never was there a right time to tell you and I'm sorry.

You never had a proper child hood filled with candy and toys only pain and suffering which is the reason your so mature and I should have trusted you when you went to party's but I didn't. I didn't realise you were just being a kid and having fun and I'm sorry for making you work in your last year before you turn into and adult I was harsh on you. And I should have trusted you with Steve your old enough to be dating and I shouldn't stop you, Steve brings out a side of you nobody could bring out in a million years and it is obvious he is in love with you but your scared of it so you hide your feelings in a neat box and hide it from the world to see.

El looks up to you as a role model and needs you. She needs you to help her with her boy problems, she needs you to stand up for her, she needs you to never leave. I need you to never leave.

I will miss playing board games at sun fall and eating ego extravaganzas at sun rise.
Watching our favourite tv shows cuddled close on the couch to keep warm. Your getting older and you won't want to do these things forever and I need to accept that but it won't be easy because I love you too much.

I have told both you and El the same thing and I will say it again take the leap accept the struggle and take the fall and if you do fall, which you will, get back up no matter how hard or tiring it is always get back up.

And please please please please don't let's there be mini Steve Harrington's running around the cabin for me.

I'll love you forever,

I wipe my tear stained face and try to muffle my cries. Joyce appeared at the door way.
She gives me a weak smile.
I stand up and she hugs me as I cry into her shoulder. She doesn't say anything, she doesn't need to her presence is enough.
"Is he here yet?" I ask pulling out from the hug and drying my face with my sleeve.
She shakes her head "I'm sorry we can wait a couple more minutes for him to arrive"
He was late, my last day in Hawkins and Steve was late.
"No. He had his chance thank you though" I say and I leave the room.

Jonathon shuts the rental moving van and everyone was saying there goodbyes.
I hug Mike "thank you for keeping El safe all these years" I whisper in his ear.
He pulls out from the hug. "Now it's you turn" he says.
I hug Dustin next and he was sobbing into my shoulder.
"Can't you stay?" He asks.
"There's nothing left for me here" I reply. "Hey your always be my favourite"
He smiles and I rustle his hair.
Max's arms wrap around my waist from behind and I turn around.
"Thank you for being there for me" she says.
"Max any time you need to talk or let any feeling out I'm only a call a way" I smile down at her.
She smiles back and let's go.
I awkwardly walk over to Nancy.
"I wish I could of got to know you better" she says.
"Yeah we would have been good friends" I sigh.
"Good luck in Lenora with Jonathon he can be a hand full sometimes" she laughs.
I smile at the floor.
Lucas appeared next to me.
"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye to me first where you?" He asks.
"Of course not" I hug him and we sway side to side.
"I'm gonna miss you" he says.
"I'll miss you too" I say back "keep Steve safe for me you know make sure he doesn't get into any fight" Lucas nods and Dustin Mike Will Max and El join in the hug.
When everyone separates I lean against the van fiddling with my fingers.
I extend my neck to see if I can see the maroon car I love pull up but there was nothing.
Every one said there last goodbyes and I got in the back of Jonathon car.
El and Joyce where in the van and I was in the car with Jonathon and Will who sat in the passenger seat.
I turn around to see Steve car turn up. Him and Robin get out. Steve and I made eye contact before I turn around to face the front. I bit my lip holding back my tears.
When I turned around again they were driving off.

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