Chapter 14

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                                                           ~Can't Do This Again~

"Mission child endangerment" Erica says over the walkie talkies as she crawls through the vent and Steve, Robin, Dustin and I lay on the roof at the loading dock waiting for her to open the door.
"Could we not call it that?" I ask.
"Erica your all clear there's no guards at the door" Robin says.
"Ok I'm just checking" she responds.
"Checking for what?" Dustin asks.
"Booby traps" she answers.
"Erica they won't have booby traps in a room with boxes" I grab the walkie talkie of Robin.
"Alright but if I die I have a note in my bag explaining how it's all your fault to my parents" she says and the door opens.
"Yes!" We all cheer and run down the stairs and in the room.
Steve rips open a box and there was a metal lid. He opens it.
There were four metal containers.
"That doesn't look like Chinese food" Steve says. "Alright do you want to stand back" Robin and Erica move out of the way and Dustin and I stay where we are.
"Dustin move" Steve tries to move him.
"No if you die I die" Dustin argues.
Steve looks at me "if you insist" and I move towards the door.
Steve twists the capsule and lifts it from the box to reveal some green liquid.
The doors start to shut and I turn around quickly to stop it with my powers.
"What the hell" I hear Robin and Erica mutter.
The doors were made to keep people like me out so after some effort the door slammed shut and we started speeding downwards. Steve grabs me and we both fall to the floor.
Everyone screams.
The room screeches to a halt and I get up and run over to the door.
I start banging on it.
Dustin tried pushing the buttons.
"Why don't these buttons work!" Dustin shouts.
"Move let me try" Steve pushes him out of the way.
"Hey dingus it doesn't work with out a key card" Robin points to the keycard scanner next to it.
"Is everyone ok?" Dustin asks.
"Great now that I know Russians can't design elevators!" Steve shouts.
I run over to the buttons and start pushing all of them.
"Nat" Steve says.
"Nat" he repeats.
"Nat they don't work" he grabs my arm.
"No Steve they have to work" I pull my arm away.
"Natalie" Steve pulls me into his chest.
"I can't do this again Steve" I say into his chest.
"I know that's why we're going to get out of here" Steve let's go of me and I walk over to the opened box.
"Just so you nerds are aware I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jacks party tomorrow and my mum finds out you 4 are responsible she gonna hunt you done one by one and slit your throat" Erica complains.
"I don't care about Tina or Uncle Jacks party your mums not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator" Steve shouts.
I back into the wall and slide down it.
"Sorry is no one else confused about how Natalie was able to stop the door from closing for a good 5 seconds without touching it" Robin says.
"We'll tell you later right now we need to figure out how to get out of here" dustin says.
"Hey" I stand up and hit Steve on the arm.
"What if we climbed out?" I ask.
Pointing to a hatch on the ceiling of the elevator.
Steve helps me and Dustin up before following.
"Ah shit" I say looking up.
It was endless. It was like there wasn't a ceiling just darkness.
"You still wanna climb that?" Steve asks his voice echoing.
I jump back down into the elevator and sit on the floor.
Dustin Robin and Erica all go to sleep whilst Steve and I try and find a way out.
"We're gonna make it out you know that" Steve whispers.
"I don't think so, if the Russians find us or not I don't think there's a way out of here" I whisper banging my head on a wall.
"Well it was fun while it lasted" Steve laughs.
"It was" I smiled for the first time today.
"You should get some sleep" he says.
"Even if I wanted to I couldn't you should though" I respond.
"Well I'm not sleeping so I guess we're staying awake together" he smiles back at me.

When everyone wakes up again Steve and Dustin go back up through the latch whilst us girls stayed inside.
"This is a code red I repeat this is a code red does anyone copy?" I hear Dustin repeat.
"We are innocent children and we are trapped under starcourt mall the red army has infiltrated Hawkins and if we are found they will torture and kill us"
"Hey! Gotta take it easy on that thing ok your gonna drain the battery" Steve says.
"The mall just opened" Dustin argued.
"So?" Steve asks.
"So someone could be in range" Dustin responds.
"What do you think Petey the Mall cop in gonna rappel down here and save the day?" Steve asks.
"Alright why are you being such a cranky pants after getting to spend the night with Natalie?" Dustin retorts. I smirk.
"Shh Jesus Christ. Will you just give up on your creepy dream already?" Steve shushes him.
"I heard you guys talking all night" Dustin says.
"Yeah we were trying to figure out a way to open up the door while you children where sleeping after eight hours we're still exactly nowhere which is you know probably just a little bit of the reason why I'm feeling just a little bit cranky" Steve argues.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asks.
"Taking a leak now look away" Steve shouts.

Pee comes tricking down the side of the wall.
"Could you please redirect your stream?" Robin asks.
I place my head between my knees.
I felt like I failed everyone I couldn't keep one door open long enough for everyone to get out and now we were going to die in the walls of a Russian elevator.
I promised myself I would not die like this in the hands of Russians but here I was, here we all were.
"Natalie can you tell her not to drink the green stuff!" Robin says.
I lift my head up "I honestly don't care if she drinks it or not"
"Ok what has gotten into you?" Robin asks.
"Sorry I'm not thrilled to be stuck in a Russian elevator" I stand up.
Robin was about to say something when there was an electric whirring noise outside the elevator. I put my ear up against the door.
"Quickly up the hatch someone coming" I shout whisper.
As soon as Robin and Erica are in I grab the green stuff and climb in after them shutting it behind me.
Steve and I watch as two men load the boxes onto the car when I see the my stomach jolts the uniform they were wearing brought back memories from when they abused me.
I wanted to jump down there and give them a taste of my medicine but I couldn't risk everyone else's safety.
"ты чувствуешь это? это пахнет мочой" one of them says sniffing around.
"Do you smell that it smells like piss?"
"нет" the other one says
I look at Steve.
"What?" He mouths.
I shake my head and continue watching them.
As soon as the drive off I jump down and hold open the door with my powers.
"Quickly I shout.
Everyone crawls out and Steve puts the container with the green stuff of the floor to stop the door from shutting completely so I could get out I slide under and the container breaks.
"You still want to drink that?" Robin asks as we watch the green substance burn a hole in the floor.
"Hey guys?" Dustin says and we all turn around.
In front of us was a very long hall way.
"We'll hope you guys are in good shape. Looking at you roast beef" Steve says biting Dustin on the chest. Steve starts to walk and we all follow.
After what seems like hours of walking they were all talking whilst I walked behind them all.

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