For Your Sins

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I decided to collect Ed on my own.

Mei-Lin said that there's no way he could know that we caught onto him. Kacchan wanted to come with me, but I wouldn't let him. He would blow the poor mother fucker up before he opened the door. We do a public execution for this sorta thing. I wanted to kill him, too, so this was gonna be hard.

His house was lit up like he sun, as always. He just makes objects fly around with his quirk, so he doesn't need special light like I do. In fact, he needs brighter lights because his eyesight's worse than the normal person's. I knocked on his door, made of stone like the rest of the house's. He opened the door and blinded me instantly. I covered my eyes with a small yelp of pain. He hurriedly dimmed the lights. "Sorry, man. Didn't expect to see you here. What's up?"

Like I said, I don't hate him as a person. He's actually quite nice, but his fuse is a centimeter long. 

My hand was shaking. I wanted to strangle him right then and there, but I couldn't. All I did was say, "Follow me. Now." He looked confused. "Why? And what the hell are you pissed about?"

"Just follow me." He shrugged and closed the door.

We usually give the punishment at the courtyard. It's quite bland, just smooth black pavement. On the walk there, Ed bombarded me with questions. I refused to answer any of them. He soon noticed where we were headed and started to slow. He was starting to catch on. I tugged him by the arm all the way there.

His eyes widened with fright.

There was a group of people clustered around the sides of the yard. Kusuo Saiki, an elderly man we nicknamed Old Ku, stood in the middle. It's his job to give the sentence. When you see him standing there, a dark expression on his usually kind face, you instantly knew what that meant.

Edward knew, and he tried to bolt.

I used my shadows to wrap around him and lift him into the air. His quirk was pretty much useless here since there's nothing he can grab. Without bothering to be gentle, I whisked him infront of Old Ku. When Saiki spoke, his voice was stern enough to frighten anyone. "Edward Patterson, you have been found guilty of murdering Mitsuki Bakugou and Masaru Bakugou, both of whom are on the list. Do you have anything to say for yourself." 

All Edward did was lower his head in shame. He most likely knew that there was nothing that could be said to make this easier.

Old Ku didn't falter by his silence. "Very well. For your sins against the Darkness, I sentence you to death. Yukiaku," He directed his words to me. "Would you like to do the honors?"

Oh, how I wanted to! But this wasn't for me, they weren't my only family. I spotted Kacchan in the crowd. "I think Katsuki Bakugou, the two victim's son, should do it. This isn't my fight."

The blond boy nodded and walked up to Edward, who looked into his blood red eyes. Kacchan held out his hands...

And blew Edward to bits.


Once we got back to my house, we stayed in Kacchan's room. Neither of us sat down. I was kind of worried for him; I didn't know what he was feeling at that moment.

He guessed this and shrugged. "Well, I thought that'd feel different. This may be cold hearted of me, but I don't feel anything." I laughed. "Murder is natural at this point. We're evil anyway," I offered. I turned to him.

That's when I remembered what we were doing - about to do - before all this.

He must've, too, because he flushed almost instantly. We weren't stand that far apart; he was on the wall and I was around 1-1/2 feet in front of him. Not for long.

I separated the distance between us and pressed my lips against his.

Asuka: Quick confession; I've never actually kissed anyone before. Sure, I've thought about kissing my gf (which always makes me blush), but I've never done it. I'm not really sure how to word this next part, so I'm just basing it off of book I've read. I apologize in advance for anything that's not quite right with the situation. On with the story!

I kept him pinned against the wall with my body as I kissed him. Our hands explored each other's bodies. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He opened him mouth and my tongue went in. He tasted sweet, like cinnamon. His hands tangled in my hair. We broke apart for breath, though our mouths weren't far apart. I opened my eyes so see how much blush was on his face. He looked like a tomato. 

 "Holy shit..," he muttered. I smiled seductively. "Am I that good?" He nodded slowly. I chuckled. "Alright, kitten. Here's some more."

I kissed him again, rough and wild.

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