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I lay in bed comfortably, as my girlfriend Lauren lays on my chest, tracing my tattoos. It was late as hell, but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about Nicki. I was wondering if she was okay, was she gonna make it another night out there. I've been taking her to breakfast every morning for the last week or so. But I still find myself worrying about her.

I wanted to find a way to help her, she ain't have no one. People wouldn't expect nothing like this outta me because of who I am, but it just bothers me seeing her on the streets like that.

" Babe you so tensed", Lauren says looking up at me.

" Just street shit", I tell her, if she knew I was thinking about another hoe she would have a fit.

" Its gonna be okay baby, you gon figure that shit out", she says giving me a soft smile, her dimples displaying. Reminding me of how Nicki's do when she smile.

" Fasho", I mutter,  kissing her forehead.

" Let me go pee bae", she says sitting up.

I watch her walk int and the bathroom, before turning over, closing my eyes.

" VONNNN!" She yells causing me to roll my eyes getting up.

" What Lauren?" I say getting up to ho into the bathroom.

" Where did you find this necklace?" She asks, holding up Nicki necklace in her hand.

" Some drug addict gave it to me", I say to her as she stares at the necklace like she seen a ghost or some shit.

" Was it a girl?" She asks me.

" Yeah her name is Nicki", I say to her.

" Nicki?? Why did you take this?" She asks frowning up at me.

" She ain't have no money to pay for her pills so she gave me the necklace ", I tell her as she looks back at the necklace.

" You need to give this back to her", she says to me..

" Why?" I ask her frowning.

She sighs, going into one of the draws to pull out another chain, then she uses the chains to connect to the one on her neck, making an heart.

" Nicki is my sister, that's the only expensive thing our momma ever got us", she says in a soft tone.

" Why you leave her?" I ask her causing her to look up at me.

" I don't know... I just wanted better for myself", she says looking down.

" Yo sister been out there alone, and you didn't even come back fa her", I say becoming upset, she was bogus as hell.

" I didn't know where to look and after a while I just wanted to put my past behind me", she says, she was selfish as hell.

" Well I been helping her, getting her breakfast every morning", I tell her.

" You gotta stop helping her,  Nicki is a drug addict, she doesn't care about anyone but her pills just like momma, " she says wiping the tears spilling from her face.

" Nah you wrong lil folks ain't like that at all", I say shaking my head.

" So you telling me I don't know my own sister?" She says laughing.

" Well I'ma move her in here with me", I say causing her smile to drop.

" No you not, she can't stay here", she says getting all loud.

" This my fuckin house, I can do what the fuck I want", I remind her causing her to roll her eyes.

" Fine but you'll see, she ain't shit ", she says coldly, before bumping past me back into the bedroom.

I was already dressed in some clothes so I just grab my car keys, heading out to my car to find Nicki.  She told me she always stays near Oblock so she wouldn't have to walk so far at night. 

I can't believe Lauren was acting like that, it shows you don't be knowing people like you think you do. If I had a sister or brother on the streets I would be tryna help them out. Pulling up through a dark alley, I spot Nicki with her eyes close leaning against the brick wall, she looked pale.

I get out the car, swooping her into my arms. She was still breathing so my heart slowed down a little. She must've been high as hell and fell asleep. I place her in the passenger seat, getting back in the car and speeding off.

" Von..." she mumbles,  her eyes still closed though.

Lil folks must be dreaming about me. I look over at her, she was in the worst position in her life, she looked so unhealthy.  She needed to stop doing drugs all together or she would die just like her momma did from an overdose.  I needed to save her.

Once we reach my house, I check her clothes to see the pills was gone. She mustve took the rest which explains why she's out cold. Picking her back up, I carry her into my house, taking her to a guest room.

She was smelling real bad, so I just take off them big ass clothes she was wearing and that ugly ass hat, putting it in a trash bag.

" Ima have to burn this shit when I'm done", I mutter, picking her up taking her into the bathroom.

Turning on the tub to put her in there so I could wash her up.  She still was unconcious as I wash her body and her hair. After I was finish doing that,  I moisturize her up,  putting her on a pair of my boxers and tank top.

She looked much better being this clean, she was real pretty. My heart kinda swells up,  nah I'm tripping.

I pick her back up, placing her in the bed, wrapping her in the thick sheets, kissing her forehead as I lay in bed beside her, she prolly was gonna freak out and shit, so I wanted to be here when she wake up. 

" Von.." she mumbles scooting over close to me, laying her head on my chest.

" I'm right here lil folks", I say softly, running my fingers through her damp hair.


Awwnnn so heart felt

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