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I lay in bed shivering,  my bones and all

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I lay in bed shivering,  my bones and all. Aching. My mind swimming with thoughts. I havent slept fully in a good 3 days since I've been here at Von's house. I haven't took any pills in 3 days. I was having a very bad withdrawal,  I wanted to get high so bad. It was driving me crazy because I couldn't.  But I made a promise to myself, Von, and most Importantly to God that I was done getting high. I had to the choice to live and I wanted it.

I haven't been this long with pills in a while, I needed to find a substitute,  something else to get addicted to. I take a deep breath, managing to get out of bed, heading downstairs,  I see the sun coming up. Going into the kitchen to grab a big cup, going to the ice machine. It made small cubes too. I take a handful of ice resting it, the crunching was so satisfying,  I close my eyes in complete bliss. Who knew ice was so good ?

" You good?" Von's raspy voice says from behind me causing me to jump a little.

" Um yeah, just wanted some ice", I say and he starts to laugh.

" You a ice eater?" He asks, suprised.

" Yeah now I am", I say , grabbing an ice cube licking around it slowly looking in his eyes.

He watches mesmerized with the way I lick on the ice, sucking on it a little before slipping it back in my mouth.

"  You sleep tonight?" He asks, looking away now, I guess trying to collect his thoughts.

" No, hardly. It's hard not getting high", I say to him, sighing a little.

" Its gon get better over time, I'm telling you, " he assures me, still looking away.

" Yes I know, lauren is here?" I ask him.

" No she went to go live with her friend since you staying here", he says in a glum tone.

" Wait... she broke up with you?" I ask, a little to happy.

" We on a break", he says, he looks really sad.

" I'm sorry ", I say in a soft tone, feeling a little bad.

" Nah dont be, you ain't did shit. Lauren need to grow up", he says shaking his head.

" She'll come around, she's just stubborn ", I say laughing.

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