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I wake up feeling... warm. Which is something I'm not used to. Opening eyes slowly, I see I'm laying on top of someone, looking up to see it was Von who was just looking down at me.

" How did I get here?" I ask him, sitting up.

" I brought you here", he tells me, watching me.

" Why?" I ask him, confused.

" Cause I wanna help you,  I'm tired of seeing you in the streets", he says,  his words seemed so sincere. I couldn't believe it..

" What do I have to do?" I ask him, trying to climb on top of him but he gently pushes me back..

" Nah you ain't gotta do that,you ain't gotta do nothing ", he says to me, laughing a little .

" You sure?" I ask him.

" I'm positive lil folks,  just let me help you get clean and shit ", he says to me...

" Get clean? You mean not do any drugs?" I ask him,  my eyes wide now..

" Yeah, you don't need to do that shit anymore. You looked so sick last night", he tells me.

" I did, I felt like I almost Overdosed. I took way too many", I admire shaking my head.

" See that's why you don't need to do that shit anymore", he says shaking his head.

" But I don't know how to stop, it's all I ever knew," I say to him..

" We gone figure this shit out lil folks", he says to me, grabbing my small hand in his large one.

" I'll try", I say to him, putting a smile on my face..

" When it gets hard, ima be here", he says squeezing my hand lightly.

I was too stuck to even respond. What made him want to help me all of the sudden, I was just a junkie. Well that's all I thought of myself, but this man wants to help me... no one else ever did that before. Ever. Offering to help me... is something new.

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