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Here I was all alone... yet again stuck in this house. By myself. It's been about a week since Von and I got into it, he's been here but has literally ignored me as if I didn't exist. So because he's been ignoring me, I been just staying out of his way.

Even when his friends is here,  I just stay away. Lauren hasn't been here, well at least I haven't seen her so I don't know what's going on with those two right now and I could careless.

I wish honestly it never got like this... us beefing was really throwing my vibe off. He was like my only friend and now I couldn't even talk to him because we weren't seeing eye to eye at this moment.

Currently I'm downstairs, laying across the couch watching music Videos. It really wasn't nothing on TV since it was a friday night, normal people go out and stuff. Sadly I wasn't normal.. I decide to turn the TV up to hear the song that was playing. It was " Round of applause " by Waka flocka and Drake.

Feeling the music, I get up, I was just in my black hoodie and a pink thong since I was alone. I can't remember the last time I've danced, I get up twerking,  holding to the couch for support.

For what I'm seeing, my ass was moving like water. Smiling to myself, I keep on twerking to the song, getting lost in the moment of dancing  and actually having a little fun with myself.

" NICKI WHAT THE HELL?" I hear Von yell causing me to instantly stop in my tracks.

He wasn't alone either, he had his friends with him..that made this whole thing worst. My face heats up as I pull down the hoodie since it was long enough to cover my butt.

" I-I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon", I say, avoiding to give him direct eye contact.

I can see from the corner of my eyes that even he had his mouth dropped, probably replaying me twerking in their mind.

" Her shit was moving", Louie says causing Booka to hit him in the chest.

" Louie gang", Von says turning around to look at him.

" I'm just saying I know you saw her shit and then her pussy fat-"

" Aight man shut up", Von says, yelling a little, clearly upset.

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