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Another night... tossing and turning. I sigh because tonight I wasn't having the shakes... I was so hot I felt like I was melting. I look at the small clock in my room, it was 2 am. It sounded like Von was having a party downstairs or something which I didn't mind. I was to shy to come down so I've been in my room, hoping to fall asleep but I haven't.  Just up and sweating.

I mean I did have on a black t shirt and a black thong... but there's no reason I should really even be hot. I know its apart of the withdrawal symptoms.  I guess it's another ice night. Getting out of bed, I leave out my room heading downstairs to the kitchen,  everyone was in the living room.  When I day everyone just Von and his friends, with some females.  Some female who wasn't my sister was sitting on Von's lap... but that was none of my business.

I grab the cup, filling it up to the top with the ice. Soon as its filled I, immediately start eating it. Cooling myself down within seconds.

" Why you down here?" A voice says to me, I open my eyes to see Durk ugly ass.

" I wanted some ice", I say mugging him, walking past to head back to my room.

He says something else but I ignore him, walks past the living room back up the stairs into my bedroom, but this time someone is in my bed... it's Von.

" I just saw you on the couch", I say laughing a little, getting in my bed.

" I know, I just wanted to come and see you", he says smiling watching me sit beside him.

" how sweet", I say smiling,  pulling my blanket over my lap.

" You sleeping okay?" He asks with so much concern.

" I was hot tonight so got some ice, " I say making him laugh. 

" Don't eat up all the ice na", he says laughing still.

" I won't ", I assure him, eating some more ice.

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