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I lay in bed shaking, it's been a rough couple of nights. Von hasn't been here to hold me so I just been alone. My kind racing like crazy... it's like I cant even get out of bed. The urge of wanting to get high was hounding me. I lay balled up in bed so I won't be tempted to go and get some drugs. It's been so hard.

I take a deep breath,  unwilling getting out of bed, going into the shower to turn the water on as I sit in the tub, my shaking stops and relief washes over me. I seen it done in movies, never knew it would actually work in real life. I take of my wet clothes and start to shower , cleaning myself up.

I couldn't stay in that bad, I was gonna crack any second. I didn't get this far for nothing.  Once I'm done in the shower, I lotion up, slipping on a black crop tank top  and some jogging pants. It was nothing else for me to do, so I leave out my room, houng to the kitchen to get some ice, sitting down at the counter.

As I'm eating my ice, I hear the door open,  it was Von walking in. He looked handsome as always, but he looked sad. I was happy to see him, I haven't seen him since Kylie pool party.

" Hey", I say as he walks over to me..

" Hey ma, " he says sitting beside me.

" You okay?" I ask, looking at him,  he was definitely sad.

" Can I tell the truth?" He asks, looking at me with those brown eyes.

" Yeah", I say nodding my head, my hands cupping his face..

" Nah I'm not okay", he says glumly.

" what happened with Lauren?" I ask.

" We got into it bad, we said some fucked up shit to each other so I been at my sister house", he tells me..

" I'm sorry Von", I say to him.

" You ain't gotta say sorry Nicki, you ain't did shit to Lauren. We been having problems", he says to me.

" But I'm causing more problems ", I say to him softly.

" Nah you not I am", he says catching me off guard.

" You wanna talk about it?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, pulling me close to him for a hug. I hug him back tightly, rubbing his back, his face buried in my neck.

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