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Loud yelling from downstairs is what wakes me up from my sleep, I jump up, alarmed looking around. My room was full of light so it was daytime, bot sure if it was morning or not... Then I hear laughter, Von must have the guys over. I get out of bed to freshen up and pee, once I'm done, I head downstairs.

Indeed the guys was here, they was watching some Basketball game, figures. Von looked so handsome too, dressed in all black, designer head to toe along with his icy jewelry,  I loved his " Oblock" chain, he really loved his block.

" Hey Nicki", Louie says smiling and waving.

" Hey Louie ", I say smiling walking over to Von.

" You finally woke up", Von says smiling, bending down to hug me.

" Yeah whoever was yelling woke me up", I say playfully rolling my eyes.

" Oh my bad Nick ", Duke says laughing.

" Who playing anyway?" I ask Von as he continues to hug me.

" Lakers and Heat", Booka tells me.

I simply nod, my arms around Von's neck, as he holds on to my waist. It was such an sweet embrace plus he smelled so good too. Being in his arms always makes me feel safe, like I know something bad won't happen as long as I'm around him.

" Kylie wanna know if we still coming to her party", Durk says.

" Yeah we sliding still, where she live at again?" Von asks him as he starts to hug me tightly causing me to laugh.

" Up in Richton Park, Is Nicki coming?" He asks .

" Yeah", Von says catching me by suprise.

" You sure you want me to come?" I ask him.

" Yeah, go put on some real quick, you ain't gotta be all dressed up", he says to me.

" Okay give me 15 minutes ", I say as he let's me go.

I rush upstairs to shower, washing my hair, I guess I would wear my curls. Which I haven't did in years, my hair needed a break from being straighten all the time. Once I'm done in the shower I dry off, moisturize,  throw on a cute black dress with some pink slides.

I look in the mirror,  impressed. I can get used to looking cute everyday. I grab a purse and head downstairs where the guys was waiting for me.

" You looking good Nick", Booka says hyping me up.

" Thanks Booka", I say smiling.

" She look aight", Von says causing me to smack my lips.

" You're such a hater", I say laughing as we walk out the house.

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