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" London chilleeeeee let go of my hair", I say laughing looking down at my niece/daughter who was pulling my 30 inch blonde hair

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" London chilleeeeee let go of my hair", I say laughing looking down at my niece/daughter who was pulling my 30 inch blonde hair.

She laughs as if she knows what I'm saying as I pry my hair from her strong grip. Chile babies grips are so impossible to get out of them. I was so happy that she was actually healthy enough to take home. The doctors says she is a Miracle baby, that there's no way she should be in this condition, but clearly she was meant to be here. I just wish Lauren was here to meet her beautiful baby. I was still hurting with the death of Lauren rather we are biologically related or not, she still is my sister always in my eyes. Von has yet to acknowledge Lauren, but he was happy about London.

Currently we were all in the bed,  I was pretty tired because London likes to be up in the middle of the night, she went back to sleep at 6 and now it's 11 am, she was alert. She's only about a week old now and I can see she is gonna be a hand full.

" Von I was thinking about something", I say looking over at my boyfriend who was scrolling through Instagram.

" What's on yo mind ma?" He asks, placing his phone down to give me his full attention.  I loved when he did that, showing he was interested in what I had to say.  That was so sexy to me..

" I want to go to New York to find my uncle to find out if I was adopted or something ", I say to him.

" You talm bout the uncle that sold you to that pimp?" He asks me..

" Yeah... I know it sounds crazy but he's the only family member that I know... I need to know the truth Von. Lauren isn't my blood sister ", I say, hoping he understands where I was coming from.

" Ma... I think you need to leave that chapter of yo life closed. Things happen for a reason, I mean it lead it to you meeting me. I think we need to just focus on London and our relationship . Don't go bothering that werid ass man, ion wanna have to kill no one right now", he says, after a quick moment of silence.

" I don't regret the path of my life at all Von, I love you so much and London, But  there's always gonna be blanks in my life that I'm gonna want to eventually fill baby. What if my mother wasn't my mother. What if i have another family out there ", I say.

" The only family you need is Me and London. I can fill in those blanks ma, the past is behind us for a reason. Ion want you waking up some shit that's gonna fuck up yo world even more. You deserve happiness and I wanna give it to you. Whatever you want", he says, sitting up now because the conversation was becoming intensed.

" So... you're saying I can't go to New York?" I ask him, looking down at London who was now falling asleep so I get out of bed to place her in her small crib next to the bed, then get back in bed.

" Hell Nah. You can't go. You a mother now", he says,  wearing a blank expression.

" But what are we gonna tell London when she gets older Dayvon? I'm not her biological mother ", I say to him.

" We'll figure that out later, but right now she a baby and she thinks you're her mother so we gon keep it that way, what you dont wanna be ber momma no more? ", he says shrugging, leaning against the headboard. 

" I'm fine with being her mother Dayvon. It's the right thing to do but Von I just don't want London to have those blanks in her life like I do in my life, she's gonna deserve to know the truth", I say to him. 

" I'm done talking about this shit", he says, getting annoyed now.

" Fine okay, I'll let it go for now", I say causing him to scoff and shake his head.

" Ma I really wasn't trying to argue with you", he says looking over at me.

" It's not an argument baby, it's a real, intense conversation, our first of many. All couples go through it", I say to him. 

" I know ma, but I just want you to be happy. I wanna be able to do it, so just let me do it", he says looking in my eyes.

" Okay baby, fine", I say giving him a soft smile, a little disappointed that he really shot down my idea of going to New York.

" We gon work this shit out ourselves, focus on our family", he says smiling,  leaning in to peck my lips.

" You're right baby. Our first priority is London, It's gonna be fine," I say,  nodding my head.

" It is ma, Just trust me. I got a master plan our lives finna change in these next two weeks", he says smiling.

" More than London has ", I say laughing a little.

" Not like London. But Me and Durk got a meeting with this label Tomma I wanted to wait to tell you. But I'm about to get out the streets", he says causing my mouth to drop, wide open.

" Oh MY GOSH baby this is huge!!! IM SO FREAKIN Proud of you Papa!" I say smiling,  leaning in to peck his lips repeatedly.

" thank you ma, I'm nervous like hell though. I really want to do this rap shit", he says.

" And God is on your side so you're gonna be able not only to rap but become the greatest to ever do that rap shit", I say to him.

" You think so ma?" He asks me, not really sure.

" Hell yeah Von. You that nigga. And you're gonna take rap to a whole new level. It's in you", I say to him,  grabbing his face in my small hands..

" I want you to rap too. To be apart of the team", he says smiling.

" Me rapping? Hmm... I'll try it", I say smiling,  shrugging.

" I love you so much Nicki", he says pressing his lips against.

" I love you more Papa", I say smiling as he kisses me.

" Ion think that's possible", he says laughing looking in my eyes.

Maybe Von was right, I had everything in front of me... it was no need to look back,  right?


A lil filler

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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