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" I hate we had to leaveee", I whine leaning against Von as we walked to our car

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" I hate we had to leaveee", I whine leaning against Von as we walked to our car.

Sadly our time in miami came to an end. I know it was supposed to be just a short trip, but I couldn't lie and say I wanted our time alone to end. I cam say that last night was the best night of my life. And I was indeed in Love with this man, nothing could ever make me wanna leave him. He made me feel so safe, secure, and beautiful.  I just couldn't see myself without him at this point.

" Me too ma, we definitely gonna go somewhere else once I get some free time", he assures me, opening the car door for me.

" We gotta go to Dubai or something ", I suggest before he closes my door.

" it don't matter to me ma, we gon go wherever you want", he says smiling as he gets into the car.

" baby can we go get some food, I'm hungry ", I ask him,  buckling my seat belt up as he pulls away from the airport.

" Yeah, Ma pass me my phone out the hoove department ", he says, holding out his hand.

I forgot that we left our phones in the glove department because we didnt want no one calling and disturbing our mini baecation.  I hand him his phone and then I turn on mine because I decided I was gonna finally make myself an Instagram and twitter, Von practically begged me so I just went ahead and told him I would make me a page.

" Damn gang nem was blowing my shit up", Von says laughing a little.

" Just call them back and let them know you're good", I say laughing.

" I am", he says, dialing whoever was calling him.

One thing about Von's friends, they cared about him... well most of them. I wasn't sure about Duke,  what he did behind Von's back was pretty Foul considering the fact they were really close at one point. They probably thought something happened to Von because of the lifestyle he was living.

" Damn nigga you ain't gotta yell, I was with my bit- My girl ", Von says correcting himself.

" You said what happened to lauren?" Von asks frowning.

" Damn that's crazy... is Duke there with her?" Von asks.

" Von what's wrong with my sister?" I ask him,  concerned. Sure we weren't on the best of terms, but she was still my little sister.

" Man that ain't my problem,  that bitch fucked my homie", Von says,ignoring me.

" Dayvon, what's wrong with my sister?" I ask him again, trying to remain calm.

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