02.06.22 (part 3 of 01)

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Mike's pov:

We were at the meadow. Max and Eleven were running around and making flower crowns. We all decided to have a picnic. I could tell that Will was tired since he just layed on the blanket and started at the sky. " Has there....ever been a moment that you've shared with someone, sad, happy whatever and you wanted it to end differently but you know that the other person wouldn't want that?" Will asked "or a moment with someone a pretty long time ago where they said something and you know that now they would probably want to take it back?" There was a few seconds of silence. " Oh sorry actually forget what i-." He started but i cut in: " yeah actually. And sometimes i wish i can change something i did because now i regret that so so much."

Again a few seconds of silence. "Oh...." Will just replied. He sounded hurt? " Guys me and Max are going to go check out those flowers near the forest! Be right back!" El said as both of them ran of hand in hand. This was the perfect moment to tell Will how i feel.

" Will....i uh....i actually needed to tell you something." I managed to get out of my mouth. I was so scared. " What is it?" He asked. "Okay..." I took a deep breath. "So i-" " Sorry guys were back!" Max said as she approached us. "Never mind it's nothing. " I said and Will sighed. They ruined the moment. I was extremely mad.

Back at the Wheelers house

Still Mike's pov:

" Mike come on! Why are you so mad at us?" Max said sounding annoyed. " It's nothing." I replied. "Whatever. Come on El let's go to a shop to grab snacks," Max suggested " what do you guys want?"
"Oh uh i don't really care you can take anything you want." Will replied and the girls smiled at him and walked upstairs.

I put my head in my hands as i was really frustrated. I mean it was hard enough to even start the conversation. To tell your guy best friend how you have had feelings for him since kindergarten.

"You ok Mike? You seem upset about something." Will asked as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah yeah I'm fine just tired." I replied. "Well ok. But i want you to know that you can tell me anything. I will always be there for you. I would never judge you and i would want to be your best friend no matter what.I promise." He said. "Thank you Will. But I'm afraid you can't help me with this one." I said as i raised my head and saw him smiling softly at me. He was so adorable. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But that was the worst way to confess. We looked at each other for a few seconds and then i heard a notification.

In the main GC:

Robin: geez shut up Harrington


Dustin: My advice is that you forget about it.

Steve: yeah sure that definitely would work.

Dustin: i was just trying to help? 😒

Nancy: Will you are the best friend anyone could have 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Mike: uh what?

Will: did you mean someone else?

Nancy: no i heard what you told Mike about how you would never judge him and stuff.

Will: oh


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