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Lucas & Will priv:

Lucas: Will

Lucas: Will

Lucas: WILL

Lucas: Willy 🥺

Lucas: omfg

Lucas: WILL

Will: what?

Lucas: i had a question for you 🥺

Will: ??

Lucas: ok first off

Lucas: i don't want to freak you out but i know that you like Mike

Will: HUH?

Lucas: it's pretty obvious yk?

Will: WHAT??????!?!

Lucas: that's besides the point 😒

Lucas: so me and Max were thinking

Will: MAX KNOWS TOO??!?!

Lucas: yes

Will: WHAT???!???! 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

Lucas: Will relax

Lucas: we won't tell Mike

Will: k.

Lucas: so as i was saying

Lucas: Me and Max were thinking

Lucas: And she suggested a way to make Mike jealous

Will: and that is?

Lucas: we have to fake date 😬

Will: uh 😇

Will: are you sure it's going to work?

Lucas: ask Dustin he gave us the procentage

Will: DUSTIN TOO?!??;??;??!!!:€8)€

Lucas: Will.

Will: sorry

Will: mmmm i guess we can

Will: on one condition

Lucas: that is?

Will: you will buy me food whenever i want

Lucas: ....

Lucas: no

Will: ugh fine 😒

Lucas: should we " tell " them?

Will: ig

Lucas: I hope Mike doesn't beat me up or something

Will: why would he?

Will: plus don't tell him that i said this but I'm pretty sure that you could beat him up

Lucas: 😭

Main GC:

Robin: seriously?

Steve: YES

Lucas: Guys me and Will want to tell you something

Eddie: go on...? 🤨🤨

Will: you tell them

Lucas: nah

Will: come on!

Will: because I'm not saying it

Mike: god damnit just tell us

Will: we're dating

Robin: Wait what.

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