Trip to France part 5

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Mike's pov:

" Miiiiiiiike" i heard someone say. I opened my eyes and Will was inches from my face. I was immediately burning up.

" Oh good morning Will!" I said and laughed nervously.

" You ok?" He asked. He looked confused.

" Yeah I'm ok? Why do you ask?" I replied really fast since i was blushing so much and i was so nervous.

" Because you look scared. Did you have a nightmare?" He asked.

" O- oh y-yeah i had a nightmare" i said and laughed nervously.

" Well you could've told me that," He said "Come on get ready because we have to go eat breakfast!."

" Yeah ok." I replied and quickly went into the bathroom. that was close. I really don't want him finding out like this. Anyway i better get ready.

We went to the lobby and everyone was already there.

"Good morning!" El said and waved at us.

" Come on! Let's go eat breakfast!" Dustin said and we went to the restaurant. Actually we still had 2 days left. 3 if you count the day we fly back home.

" Geez i am so hungry." El said as she walked over to the main food table.

We sat down at the table that we've been sitting at every day.

" So what are we doing today?" Lucas asked.

" I don't know. Maybe we can go to the spa today?" Max suggested.

" Yeah sure! But what are we doing during the day?" El asked.

" Can we finally go shopping?" Max asked.

" Fine." Lucas replied and rolled his eyes.

" But seriously I'm not going to spend the whole day shopping." Will added.

" No i was thinking we could shop for a few hours and then go eat lunch or something." Max replied.

" Yeah ok." Dustin said.

" Well that sounds fun!" El said as she continued eating.

" Hey Nancy? Can we go to the mall today? Alone?" I asked the girl sitting at the table next to us.

" No! Of course not! I don't want anything to happen to you or else mom and dad will blame me. Besides i wanted to go shopping anyway." She said.

I groaned and Will put a hand on my shoulder: " Come on Mike. She just doesn't want us to get in trouble or get kidnapped or something."

" Why would we get kidnapped?" I asked.

" That was an example." Will said as he rolled his eyes and took his hand off my shoulder.

Time Skip to the mall

" Oh. My. God! Max we have to go to that shop!" El said and Max nodded.

" Ok so I'm not going to follow you but we all have to meet back at this around 13:00 or 1pm. Got it?" Nancy said and we all nodded.

Max and El ran into the clothing store that El had noticed.

" Is there like a gaming shop or something?" Dustin asked.

" How are we supposed to know?" I asked.

" I want to buy an apple watch but i don't know how much they cost." Lucas said.

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