Trip to France part 4

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Mike's pov:

Me, Will, Lucas and Dustin had to go to the pharmacy. We had to use Google maps to find the nearest one.

" Ok so there should be one down the street." Lucas said.

" But we don't know how to speak french." Dustin added.

" That doesn't matter. The pharmacist probably knows English." Lucas argued back.

" Yeah but what if they don't?" Dustin said.

" Of course they will. You're stupid."

" Both of you shut up! You keep arguing and it is getting extremely annoying." Will said and both of them went silent.

" Well that was easy." I said and Will giggled. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Guys are we going to the spa today?" Lucas asked.

" I don't know. Do you guys want to?" Will asked.

" I really do but i don't want Max and El to get mad or something." Dustin added.

" They said that they wouldn't and that we should go so maybe we can go?" Lucas asked.

" I mean we still have 12 days so what's the rush?" Will said.

" Yeah you're right. Plus El should be our main priority right now." Lucas agreed.

I nodded.

"Come on let's go inside." Dustin said right after we found the pharmacy.

There was 1 old lady in the store and she was at the bandage section so we didn't have to wait in line.

" Uh hello! We really need headache medicine! Do you have that?" I asked.

" Oh yes! Yes of course we have that. Strong headache, Mild or regular?" The pharmacist asked. I didn't know. None of us did.

" Oh uh can you hold on a second?" I asked the pharmacist and she nodded.

I quickly started texting in the group chat.

In the main GC:

Mike: @El @Max @Nancy

Max: what?

Mike: what type of headache does she have? Strong, Mild or regular?

Max: oh wait let me ask

Max: she said that her head hurts a lot so i think you should get the strong.

Mike: ok thanks.

Back with Will, Mike, Lucas and Dustin:

"Strong headache." I replied.

" Okay. That will be 12.99€" She said and smiled at us.

Thank God that all of us had exchanged our dollars already.

" Thank you! Have a nice day!" She said and waved as we walked away.

" Ok well that's finally done." Dustin said. And Will sighed.

" We have 1 and a half hours until dinner so we should be able to get back and give El the medicine in time." Lucas added.

We were about 2 minutes away from the hotel when Will suddenly got a phone call.

"Hey! Is everything alright?" Will picked up the phone and asked.

" Hey guys can you hurry? El said that it really hurts." I heard Max say at the other end.

" We're 1 minute away from the hotel don't worry. We'll bring it right away." He replied.

" Thank you" Max said and she ended the call.

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