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Main GC:

Nancy: Okay Mike this is getting ridiculous.

Steve: what did that dipshit do?

Nancy: he literally hasn't left his room and hasn't spoken to anyone for 2 days 😑😑😑

Lucas: no but imagine his anger when he finds out? 😭

Mike: when i find out what Lucas?

Eddie: HE'S BACK!

Nancy: finally 😭

Mike: Lucas.

Mike: answer my question.

Lucas: Max, Will, El, Dustin. What the fuck do I say?

Lucas: uh....

Lucas: i mean! 😊😊😊😊😊

Lucas: uhm.

Lucas: when you find out that we have all gone to an amusement park! 😄

Mike: bullshit.

Mike: I know that Jane and William didn't leave the house.

Will: WILLIAM? 😨😨😨

Mike: That's your name isn't it?

Nancy: Mike you're overreacting 😑😑


Steve: Robin

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Steve: Robin....

El: hold up now.

El: did you just call me....

El: Jane....?

Mike: yes because that is your birth name.

Nancy: Michael Wheeler.

Nancy: stop this right now.

El: @Will

Will: yeah?

El: let's go stay at Max's until Mike realizes that he's acting stupid!

Max: YES YES YES!!!!

Mike: I didn't agree.

El: Nobody asked you. Michael.

Max: LMFAO 😭😭😭

Mike: I Fucking hate everybody.

Nancy: oh come on 🙁

Nancy: he's going to become emo...🙁

Lucas: WHAT??? 😭😭😭😭

Mike: Shut your Fucking mouth Lucas.

Will: what are you even so mad about?

Mike: .......

Mike has left the chat*

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