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The airport was total chaos, you would think at 7:30 in the morning it wouldn't be so insane but nope you would be wrong. Going through security took almost a hour, practically fell asleep in that line.

Currently my dad and I were sitting by our gate waiting for them to open the doors. "Navy huh?" said a teenager, he looked around 14 or so. "Oh yeah" I smiled at him. I looked over to my dad to see if he could help. I've never really been good talking to new people so I usually want someone to talk for me, but all he did was look and me a nod. "I want to go into the Navy, what do you do?" He asked me looking curious, I saw him look down at my name tag. "Yeah Mitchell, that's my last name, it's Y/N, nice to meet you." I introduced, than I began again, "I'm a Naval aviator, so I fly planes and do missions. It takes a lot of training but once you're there it's amazing." I explained to him with a smile.

"I didn't think you could fly in the Navy." he said to me, it looked like he was not believing me or something. "Yeah you can, here I'll show you my pin." I took off my pin and gave it to him to look at. "Wait this is actually really cool, mom get over here!" he yelled over to his mother on the other side of the waiting area. His mom come wobbling over due her being very pregnant. "That's really cool hun, but leave this poor girl alone." his mother sternly said giving back my pin  "No worries I don't mind." I explained putting my pin back on.

"Well nice to meet you Y/N, and to learn about your cool Navy aviator job." the boy said sticking his hand out so I could shake it. I took it and said "Nice to meet you too." I smiled once again. Him and his mother went to sit down in their chairs across the seating area.

"Good job." My dad said patting my shoulder, "What do you mean" I asked with a confused look on my face. "People will always want to know what you do when you have that uniform on, good job explaining it." I smiled at him and went through my backpack to find something to eat.

"Shit." I grumbled as I dug through my bag, "what" my dad asked "I forgot my granola bar in the counter." "Well the plane ride isn't super long but we can get something in the plane, okay?" he suggested "Okay."

-After the plane ride-

We made it to San Diego and the first thing we did was find a cab to bring us to a bar. After flights my dad doesn't really like to do anything, so I'm not sure why we're going to a bar. "Why exactly are we going to a bar?" I asked my dad, "Well the rest of the Top Gun crew will be there and I think you should meet a couple of them." He explained. "Oh ok, don't drink to much, I don't want to drag you out of there." I warned. He looked at me and nodded his head "You got it Y/N" he put both of his thumbs up.

I smiled and put my headphones in, we had about a 15 minutes until made to a hotel where my dad is staying. I was staying in a dorm type house with the rest of the Top Gun crew. So we are going to drop off our stuff then head to the bar. I looked out the window and saw buildings, tall ones. I've never really wanted to live in the city, it seems loud, super loud in fact. Since we've been driving I have heard 4 police cars, at least 10 people honking and several people on the street yelling.

The ride didn't seem long, I guess it was only 15 minutes. Once we made it to the hotel, and found our room I grabbed my wallet out of my bag  so I could get something to eat at the bar. "Dad, you ready yet?" I questioned knocking at the bathroom door. "Yeah just getting dressed." He answered me.

I sat down on the bed waiting for him to come out of the bathroom door. I sighed to myself as I fell backwards laying down on the bed wishing I could fall asleep. I closed my eyes and I heard my dad come out of the bathroom. "Come on Y/N" let's go" he said hitting my boots that were still on my feet. They weren't on the bed don't worry.

I groaned as I stood up and went towards the door. I made sure I had my wallet when I walked out the door with my dad following. The bar wasn't very far from the hotel so we decided to walk.

The bar looked old, it had mugs hanging from the ceiling and it was very packed. I walked in the door and sat at the bar. I wasn't planning on drinking so all I wanted was a water, I partied in high school once and I personally didn't like drinking very much.

"You must be Maverick's daughter, nice to meet you" the bartender stuck out her hand so I could shake it. I had no idea who this lady was just she seemed nice. "Yes ma'am." I smiled as I took her hand. My dad looked at our hands and then said "one beer please." I looked back at him, he began "Trust me you are definitely known around here because of me, so people will treat you like royalty." "Great, and way to be humble dad" I laughed.

My dad was chatting up the bartender, I think they knew each other, but I didn't bother asking. I looked around and saw people in similar uniforms than me, they were playing pool. I looked at my dad "I'll be back." I whispered to him. He gave me a nod while looking back at the bartender.

I started to walk over to the group of boys that were playing pool. I smiled when I walked up. "Hey!" I said looking at them. "Hey, um are you going to be at top gun?" Some guy asked me, "yeah, you?" I asked "yeah, same with these guys" he pointed behind him, I waved at them and they waved back. He went back to playing his pool game and then asked "Mitchell huh?" "Oh yeah, Y/N, but my call sign is legacy. You can call me legacy." I ordered him. "You got it." He said.

"Maverick's daughter, correct?" He asked me, "I seem to be famous around here, don't I?" I laughed, "Well your dad if a fucking legend" the man explained. "Oh trust me, I know." I shook my head. "Hangman." He said smiling. "Let's hope that's your call sign or your parents did you dirty." I looked at him, "call sign, my name is Jake Seresin." "Well nice to meet you, hangman." I smiled at him.

He looked over my shoulder and he had plastered a smirk on his face. I turn around and looked who it was. Phoenix. "Phoenix." He said looking at her walk up to us. "I heard Y/N was here so I decided to stop by." She explained happily while she pulled me in for a hug. "I missed you." I said to her. Phoenix and I were in flight school together, we didn't fly together in the same plane because we both are pilots but we did become very close friends very quick. "I missed you too." She said hugging tightly.

We pulled away from the hugs and smiled at each other when Hangman started to talk to her. They were talking about some stupid nonsense when I saw him walk in.


Rooster was his call sign if I remember correctly, how I remember is Goose was his dad and now he goes by Rooster, both birds I guess. I haven't seen him in years, he's definitely grown into his body. Him and my dad got into a huge fight over something and that was the end of Y/N and Bradley. Rooster and I were best friends, we stuck with each other through thick and thin. I did miss him from time to time. I looked at him as he walked in "Bradshaw, is that you?" I heard Phoenix ask. I don't think he saw me yet, I looked over at a different guy who the crew was talking to, "my name is bob." He explained.

I stood there as he greeted Phoenix and her friends. Then he saw me, I looked like he had to do a double take, "Y/N?" He asked smiling, "it's actually legacy now, but you know you can call me Y/N" I told him.

"Legacy, I like it." He said as he went in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled off the hug first, he looked around when we heard a bell ring for a second time, "oh shit, my dad's going to go poor if he keeps messing with the bartender." I laughed at my dad smiling at her. Rooster looked back at my dad, his jaw went tight and then looked back at rest of the crew.

I don't get why they hate each other, but if it's up to me I'm going to figure it out.

OK so super long chapter but trust me the next chapter will be filled with Y/N and Rooster!!! You all just wait!!!
How are you all like the story so far??? Hopefully good! Sorry this took so long to get out I've been busy!!!

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now