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The house was big. It had at least twenty rooms, ten on one side, ten on the other. Split so there was a girl side and a guy side. "Hi Y/N!" I heard Phoenix yell from the kitchen, I walked to the kitchen to find all the guys with no girls besides Phoenix and I. I looked over at Rooster in particular to give him a smile. He gave one back and I walked to the cabinets to grab a glass for some water.

"So Y/N, how was going growing up with The Maverick." The one and only Hangman asked me. I walked over to the sink to fill up my clear glass. "Well first of all I told you to call me Legacy, and ask Rooster he grew up with him too." I turned around in my heels and walked over to take a seat next to Phoenix at the island. I looked over at Hangman, he gave me this glare then said "Well, I asked you. Then you have to answer me."

"What's everyone's obsession with my dad, I mean he does have a cool name in the Navy Aviator part of the the world but besides that he's a normal dad, you know loves his daughter and all." I responded taking a sip of the clear liquid. "Well your dad is pretty cool." Phoenix chimed in, I have her a 'really' look and started "We got a long day tomorrow, I'm going to bed." I stated standing up.

"Yeah I'm going too, Y/N can I come to your room real quick?" Rooster offered, I looked at everything else and then answered with a slight nod. "Okay come on." I looked at him as he walked over to my bags to pick them up. We both walked up the stairs our legs moving in sync. We walked to the right to find the girl hallway.  "Where's your room?" He asked me, "uh number five." I stated. He walked into the room labeled five to find Phoenix's stuff already on one of the beds.

"You can just set the stuff on that one." I pointed to the only bed available. I took a deep breath and then sat on the bed. I looked up at Rooster "you can sit." I offered him, he looked at me and then sat down on the bed along side me.

"What's wrong" he questioned "Everyone just being so into my dad, like 'oh how's your dad' or even 'you must be Maverick's daughter' like I get that my dad is famous around here but I don't want to keep being compared to to him" I blurted out putting my face in my hands. "Look people just think it's cool and all. Think about it, you are the daughter of a Top Gun legend; people are going to think it's cool." He responded, mentioning my dad made him tense.

"I know but I damn well know I'm going to be compared to him all day tomorrow by whoever the instructor is." I answered back to him. "Hey look tomorrow isn't going to be easy and trust me you will be compared tomorrow but don't let it get to you, okay?"

"Okay I'll try. Now we do have a long day please try to get to sleep" I laughed. "You sound like my mother." He laughed back, "Aw thanks for the compliment." I said as he threw my bag at me. He got up "Goodnight Legacy" I smiled "Goodnight Brad."

"Oh hell no, it's Rooster to you." He pointed a finger at me. "Oh really I've only known you since I was practically born, I'll call you Brad whenever I want." I stood up and walked over to him to face him. "Look at that you're still pretty short compared to me." He chuckled. "You are pure evil Bradshaw. Pure evil." I laughed. "Okay if you can call me Brad whenever you want too, I get to call you Legacy." He responded stepping closer to me. I squinted my eyes at him and then finally gave in, I did like how easy it flowed off his tongue, it just sounded right.

"Fine, but I'll say this again. Pure. Evil." I said but when I said 'Pure Evil.' I went in my tippy toes to get a little taller to match his height. "Yes! Legacy, Legacy, Legacy." He rambled on turning around to head out the door. I smiled as I heard him yell 'Legacy' all the way down the hall.

Tomorrow might be a living hell but you know I got to live in the moment and not in the future. I giggled to myself as I hear him still yell my call sign down the hall till he reached his room. 

I decided I was going to fully unpack tomorrow after I get back but I pulled out my sheets and blankets to put on the bed. Once they were on I took out my uniform and set it on my dresser. I turned out the light to still hear the loud aviators downstairs that should be off to bed soon. I fell asleep fairly quickly.

—Time skip to morning—

"Attention on deck!" a lady yelled. We all stood up with our arms behind our back. A man walked up so he was in front of us. "Welcome to your special training detachment, be seated." We sat down "You are all Top Gun graduates, the elite, the best of the best. That was yesterday" he stated, I scrunched my eyebrows out of confusion and looked back at Rooster, he just looked at me then back at the man speaking.

"The enemies new 5th generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but
now its technological advantage...you can rest assured that we don't have it. Success is now more than ever attached to a woman or a man inside a box. Half of you
will pass the elimination. One of you will be designated as the mission leader. The remaining half will remain as reinforcements." He finished and looked at me before he started again "Your instructor is also a Top Gun graduate." He finally took his eyes off of me to look at everyone else.

Nobody could see how confused i was due to the fact that nobody sat next to me because I was a solo pilot, so that means I don't have a co-pilot. I fly alone, and so does Rooster.

The man started again "He has real-world experience in every mission you are expected to master. Their achievements are legendary.
He is widely regarded as one of the best pilots this program has produced."

I thought to myself for a second. Wait. There's no way.

"What they teach you can make
the difference between your death and your life." He said. "Introducing Captain Pete Mitchell. Call sign Maverick"

Oh shit.

Whoa cliffhanger much. No, well kind of. Ok sorry if there's any spelling errors I'll look over this tomorrow because it's like 1:30 a.m here. THANK YOU FOR 200 READS LIKE WHAT!!!! Please share this story with you Top Gun loving friends!!! Sorry these take forever to get out trust me I'm trying! Okay make sure you eat and drink water!! Ok love you all! ❤️

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now