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There's no way, there's no way my dad is our instructor. He didn't even bother to tell me. I look back at Rooster to see him glaring at me then back at my dad. My face transitioned from the confused look I had before to a flash of hurt I was feeling. Rooster looked mad at me, like how could I know my dad was going to be our instructor. It's not my fault.

I looked at my dad and gave him the same glare Rooster gave me. I leaned back in my chair crossing my arms and pushing my tongue into the inside of my cheek. My dad looked at me as he walked up but didn't really acknowledge I was there. I look over to see Hangman rubbing his forehead, probably feeling like a dumbass for throwing out his instructor at the bar yesterday.

My dad stood in front of us with a serious look on his face. "F-18 guides. It contains everything they want you to know about the program. I assume you know the contents of this book" My dad then held up the big book. "That's right!" Hangman yelled and then Phoenix said "Yes, we know."

I uncrossed my arms and sat up in my chair. I look up at my dad finally making eye contact with him. "Yes dad we know the F-18 guides." I answered proudly with a smile "Your enemy knows too." He spoke back looking at me then looked away at the rest of the group. My smile faded as I lent back in my chair.

"But what your enemy doesn't know...your limits. I intend to find them. I want to test force." He stopped and looked me dead in the eye then started again " but for today all I want to see is what you can do." I look at him biting the inside of my cheek. Truth is my dad hasn't really ever seen me fly, I mean sure he's seen me in the air but not really the 'fighter' pilot part.

I've seen my dad fly, he's amazing with ever part of it. I don't want to let him down or have people think less of me because I'm not as good as him.

"You all are dismissed, head to your planes." My dad said. I got out of my chair and caught up to Rooster. "Hey so uh my dad." I jumbled the words out. I looked up at him, he didn't say anything. "Bradley look if I knew I would've warned you, he didn't even tell me. You can't be mad at me, it's not my fault."

"What do you mean you didn't know. I'm sure you did. Now let's show each other what the other can do up there. By the way it's Rooster now." He hissed walking away. I closed my eyes and took a breath. I heard footsteps hitting the ground behind me. "Y/N I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just wasn't sure if I would be doing it or not. Ok bye see you up there." My father swiftly started, then said "Oh Also be safe up there. K?" I nodded then he was off, running past me, to catch up with Rooster.

I sighed walking over to my F-18. I got in, hooked up everything I needed to have on to fly. "Ok am I connected?" I asked over our radio. "Hey Y/N." I heard Hangman say over the radio. "Hangman, when we are up there don't leave me hanging." I laughed to myself, hoping he won't be flying with me today. "Oh don't worry if I leave you hanging I bet your dad will come bail you out." Hangman spat out.

I didn't think this part through, people are going to think my dad will baby me. Like he will go easy on me. Well they obviously don't know my dad.

I put my helmet on and put the canopy down. I moved over to the runway and while I sat there waiting so I could take off heard Phoenix begin to talk "Hangman give her a break." I took a breath and then once I got the signal I took off, flying around to find Fanboy and Payback. I was next directly next to their aircraft, so I could see them both. "So Legacy, do you have a guy back home? Fanboy asked me, "If you think it's the best way to ask me out 10,000 feet in the air, then I should say no" I responded laughing putting my mask on.

Fanboy didn't have a chance to answer because my dad cut us off, "Good morning, Airman. Your caption is speaking. Welcome to basic flight maneuvers. As reported, our exercise today is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We will not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet" Well this is going to be fun.

"You have to work as a team and shoot me or else ." He warned, I smiled to myself knowing his just saying that for dramatic effect. "Or what, sir" payback  laughed over the radio along with Fanboy. My dad then said "or I'll shoot you." Again like I said this will be fun. My dad began again "If I shoot one of you, and both lose.  Also Y/N, it's Maverick to you now." Maverick blurted over the radio. "Yes, sir." I spoke.

"Sir, I say we should put some skin into the game." Payback offered, "What's on your mind?" Maverick asked. "Whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push ups." I smiled while I put my mask on. "Guys that's a lot of push ups." My dad stated, "Well they don't call it exercise for nothing." Fanboy chuckled then asked me "What do you think Legacy? 200 push ups?"

"Sounds good to me." I answered pushing my control forward so I could get a head start leaving Fanboy and Payback behind hoping they will catch up. I pushed my control a little back and went almost straight down so I could turn around to find my dad. I moved to the back of Fanboy and Payback's F-18. "Legacy do you see Maverick?" Payback asked. "Nope I can't find him." I look to the sides of me. Then I see him come out of the clouds. "Shit to the left." I yelled over the radio to warn Fanboy and Payback.

I moved my stick to the right so I turn on my side to get away from Maverick as soon as I could. "Payback, Fanboy, you there?" I questioned, that's when I heard the long beep of the radio. "Shit." I whispered to myself. Now my dad was just looking for me. Great.  "Maverick, where are you?" I impatiently said over the radio. Shit shit shit. I looked behind me to see him pop up. I went up to try to avoid him. I went into a cloud to try to get him away from me. I go back down hoping I would land behind him.

'Beeeeeeep' I heard. "What how, where are you." I asked looking around. "To your right" he answered. I took a breath as I saw him. "Go do your push ups." He told me. "See you at base." I replied turning my plane to go back to base.

Hi! Again sorry if there's any mistakes I will read over this later it's 3 a.m again here. I hope you like this chapter! 400 READS AHHH THANK YOU SM!!! Please share this story and vote!!! Sorry these always take so long to get out, I like to make each chapter 1,000+ words so I takes me a while!! Thank you for being understanding!

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now