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I walked into the bar, seeing my dad sitting with that bartender from before. He was dressed in the same white uniform I was. The bartender was crying while he was holding her hands. I was confused at first but then it hit me.

No way. He can't.

I walked up to them with a smile plastered on my face, hoping what I was thinking wasn't true. "Hi Mav, what's up?" I questioned him, he turned to face me. He looked sad if anything, maybe even a little scared. My smile faded even if I wanted to keep it up I couldn't. "Y/N sit." He ordered, while pulling a chair away from the bar so I can sit on it.

I followed his orders like I've been doing for several weeks now. The bartender went behind the bar and got me a water. I took a sip of it suddenly feeling a little hot in this uniform. I heard my dad clear his throat as he began to speak. "Legacy, I want you to know this isn't my choice." I kept I contact with him as I took another sip of my water. I then put it down on the bar once I was done with my small sip. "I'm flying this mission." he finally let out.

My heart dropped, all the air disappeared from my body, he just can't, this mission could kill him. I guess I can't say much about it though, since this mission could kill me too. "Why?" is the only word I could get out. "I was asked too, and you know I never back away from a challenge." I look over at the bartender who was pretty much sobbing at this point. "Are you two dating?" I ask her, she just looked at me with tears streaming down her face. "Legacy w-" my dad started, "no I want to hear it from her." I maintained eye contact.

I don't really care if they are dating I just need a second to think about what my dad told me. She sniffled then started "I'm Penny. Um you dad and I aren't dating but-" I cut her off "but you slept with her." I finally looked over at my dad. I laughed to myself. "So you're going on this fucking mission, and you slept with a girl. This is ironic." I grabbed my water taking another sip. "Legacy I know I've always told you to not to get to connected to people before missions, but I didn't know I was going on this one. Plus I think you and Rooster are getting to close." He explained to me.

"Am I going on the mission?" I asked him crossing my arms. He looked at Penny then back at me.


My heart dropped for a second time tonight. This is such bullshit. "So you can but I can't?" I yell a little. "Y/N relax." My dad spoke softly, "this isn't fair." I paused for a second, "is Rooster going?" I questioned him. "Legacy..." he started, I didn't need him to finish this sentence. I already knew he was. I look down at my hands, "he will be so pissed if I don't let him fly. You know that." He whispered trying to make eye contact with me. I scoffed and stood up, my face turned soft "I love you dad." I told him. I couldn't leave on a bad note, Rooster's mom always taught me that. "I love you sweetheart." He smiled at me.


I haven't heard that one in years. I walked over to him and hugged him. A tear rolled down my cheek landing on his white uniform. "Dad." I spoke, "mhm" he hummed. "I want to fly this mission, but I understand." I didn't understand I just didn't want him to feel bad.

I took a breath and pulled away from him embrace, "watch over Rooster up there, okay?" He nodded his showing he understood. "Bye Penny" I smiled back at her. She sniffles as I walk away.

I walk out of the bar wiping away tears hoping Rooster wouldn't see them. I got into the passenger seat side, "hey." I spoke softly, "what did he have to tell you?" He asked me starting the car. "Nothing, pretty much told me he has a girlfriend." I shrugged my shoulder. Lie. "Are you sure, you don't look so good." He questioned me. "Yeah, no I-I'm fine." I smiled at him. Lie.

I looked out the window the whole time, hoping I wasn't going to cry when I look at him. "Y/N look at me." He spoke while taking his finger to grab my chin softly and to turn my head towards him. "What's wrong?" He questioned, the car was now parked again in the parking lot of the bar.

"Can we just go back to the house?" My voice sounds so little. Like I'm a mouse whose squeak is so quiet you can barely hear it. His eyes were fixed on mine, we sat there for a moment as he watch me practically break down. He moved my face towards his, he kissed my tear-stained cheeks repeatedly. "I'm not going to pry at you, whatever your dad said is your business only." His voice was now soft.

God how he makes me feel.

He held my cheeks with his hands, and kissed my forehead. He let go of my face and started the car. "Rooster?" It kind of came out like a question. He pulled of the parking spot "Mhm" he hummed as we drove down the road, "My dad always talked about your dad." I started, "He really loved flying with your dad. He really loved it." I looked at him, "Fly for him, for your dad..." I paused "and me, you know if I don't go up." That last sentence was spoken quickly and quietly.

He looked at me for a second then back at the road. "Legacy, you will go up. Trust me." He answered. But I'm not. I smile at him once more, then look out the window.

I always thought my only love would be flying. In the sky with nothing around me. On a tightrope of life or death. I loved it. The thrill. The way I feel like I'm floating when I'm in my F-18. Now Rooster has a little piece of my heart. The problem, I'm scared now, I'm scared that I will leave him, or he'll leave up there.

The sky I wished to be in now was the place I am the most scared of. But how I love it at the same time.

Hola amigos!!! 30k is literally insane and I can't believe that this story has come this far. Thank you to everyone who supports me!!! I feel like this story is turning so dramatic :/. Make sure you eat and drink water!!! I love you all!!

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now