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I was standing with my dad waiting for plane platforms to lower. "Captain Michell" we both turn around. I knew already he meant my father. "You are where you belong." He paused then started again. "You make us proud" he signaled to me, meaning he should make us both proud.

I look over at my dad then at the plane platform dropping. He walked slowly over to his plane, I stayed behind. I watched him, he looked like he was home. A smile appeared on my face, he wanted this more than anyone here. We all knew it. "Uh dad wait" I spoke loudly, he looked back at me. "I love you." I yelled, I held my hand like a megaphone so he could hear me better but I knew it wouldn't help. I brought my fingers up and did a two finger salute. He smiled at me then walked over to me. He held out his arms and I walked into them like I did when I was little.

"I'll see you in a little bit kid." He spoke, what he means is he will be giving us the information on who's flying. I already know I'm not. He walked back to the platform and the platform went up.

"Legacy, please make your way up." Admiral Soloman ordered me. I nodded my head and made my way up to the room where we first started. Everyone was sitting down and talking, I go and sit across from Rooster. "Hey do you know if I'm flying?" He asked me, I look at him and shrug. Of course I knew. He was indeed flying.

Hangman walked over to me, "what about me?" I shrugged once more, I have no idea about Hangman. All I knew was I wasn't, Rooster and my dad are. My dad walked into the room, we all stood up and became silent. Every single one of us wishing it was and wasn't us at the same time.

"It has been an honor flying with you." He started, "each one of you represents the best of the best." Rooster looks at me then looks down at his boots then back up to my dad. "This is a very specific mission, my choices are a reflection of that and nothing more." He explained to all of us. This made me want to fly even more, I still had a little hope that he would choose me. Just a little.

"Caption Mitchell, select your two Foxtrots." Admiral Soloman told him. Eyes were draw to him then back at my dad. My eyes became big hoping my name was going to be called.

"Payback and Fanboy" he spoke out, Payback and Fanboy both took what to be a relieving sigh. Their heads then dropped to look at the ground probably with smiles on their faces. "Phoenix and Bob." He finished, my mouth dropped looking at them both. Although I wish I was in their position, I was so proud of them. Their head's lifted to look at my dad, then they looked at each other.

"And your Wingman?" Admiral asked him. Hangman stood up confidently, little does he know. "Rooster" my dad finally answered. All I wanted to do was to jump up and say take me instead because I can't lose them both but I stayed quiet. Because deep down I knew I wanted Rooster to fly this mission.

My dad makes eye contact with me. My eyes prickly with tears, I sallowed my cry and looked at rooster who looked at my dad confused.

"The rest of you will stay on the carrier or any reserved role that's required....dismissed" Admiral stated, my heart felt it dropped into my stomach. It all suddenly felt real, like it's no longer a game of cat and mouse. I mean it never was but well you know. Rooster then made eye contact with me, I gave him a smile and nodded at him.

"You knew?" He mouthed, I nodded again. Then went around to shake the others hands, I don't think I could say goodbye to him right now. "I'm so proud of you two!" I exclaimed at Phoenix and Bob as I shook their hands. "Oh Legacy!" Bob laughed and pulled me into a hug. He smelt of the ocean, like salty but fresh at the same time. I pulled away, "you two be safe up there. Watch out for birds" I laughed at them, "it wasn't just us" Phoenix yelled at me as I walked away from them. I laughed as I walked over to Payback and Fanboy. "Look at my two little mission boys!" I smiled at them. Payback looked at me "you should be up there." He said dryly, "you guys are perfect. He chose you guys not me. So go up there and give it your all." I practically ordered them.

"You got it legacy" Fanboy nodded at me, "hey uh also watch my dad and Rooster too. I can't lose them." I told them, the nodded indicating they understood. I shook their hands and then kissed their cheeks. It might give them a little boost up there. I turned around to see Rooster sitting in his seat, looking like he didn't even move. I walk over to him. "Hey, good job" I stuck my hand out for him to shake. "Why didn't you tell me. I would've wanted you to fly not me. You deserve it."  He spoke quietly, but also a little harsh.

He was looking up at me since he was sitting and I was standing. "You deserve this Rooster, he chose you" I took my finger and poked at his chest when I said you. "So you go up there and you make me proud. Okay?" He stood up, and nodded his head.

I obviously want to be up there and sure I'm jealous of the ones going up. But i couldn't be happier for him. He walked over the group of people and started giving fist bumps and hugs. I want a hug. I really, really need one. I walked over to him and waited for him to finish talking to Fanboy. When he was done I spoke "hey Rooster." He turned around to look down at me. I then slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms immediately went around my waist. "Please be safe. I love you." I whispered into his ear. "I love you. I will." He answered, I let go and looked at him, "not yet Y/N" he told me then I was pulled back into his embrace.

I love him. I love this. I love everything about him. I can't loose him.

Hola Mis amigos!! So yeah uh long time no see, but I'm officially back 🥲🤝. I missed you guys so much!!!! I have like only a couple days left of school then I'm done with it for 3 months!!! 🥳 I love you all and I hope people are actually still reading this!!! Please eat and drink! Also if there are any spelling mistakes I'm sorry!

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now