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I dipped the bread into the egg, vanilla, milk and sugar mixture. Phoenix was dancing and singing to mr. Brightside by The killers. I laughed at her when she took the wooden spoon out of the holder and started using it as a microphone. I put the bread that was just dipped into the mixture and put it on the pan. It started to sizzle as soon as I put it on so I turned down the temperature a little. I dipped another piece of bread and put it on the hot pan. I grabbed the spatula, waiting for the that side of french toast to cook.

Phoenix came over to grab my hand, she pulled me over to the opening in the kitchen to dance. We spun each other around singing the song, I spun back to stove to flip the toast over making sure it doesn't burn. Phoenix sat down at the island waiting for her french toast to be done. "Alexia turn down the music." I spoke out, the music then turned down allowing us to talk. "I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long day." I mentioned to her while opening the cabinet to grab out a plate. "Tomorrow is going to be filled with double training, I can tell." She said to me, I nodded then held the plate by stove. I used the spatula to take off the toast and put them both on her plate.

I put the plate in front of her, "do you want syrup?" I asked her going into the pantry for the syrup, "of course." She laughed, I handed it to her  and also got her a fork. I dipped some more bread into the mixture and put it on the pan. "Do you like having a backseater?" I questioned her, "I do, it's easier to understand your surroundings." She explained to me while putting a cut up piece of french toast into her mouth. "I wanted one for that reason, but I feel like I would be too worried to fly with one." I told her as I turned around to flip the toast. "Worried?" She questioned, I turned back around to face her, "yeah, like what happens if what happened to my dad and Goose happened to me. I couldn't live with myself." I explained to her.

"That runs through my head constantly, what happens if I go down and Bob is with me, I make it and he doesn't." She spoke, I turned back around to flip the toast once more. I grabbed a plate to put them on, "Phoenix, you are one of the best flyers I know, you'll be okay up there. I promise." I assured her walking over to her to give her a hug. Our hug was interrupted by the door opening, the boys, we separated from our hug looking wide eyed at each other. "Act normal."  I whispered to her, then going back over to make more french toast.

I thought it was just Rooster and Hangman nope it was all of them. "Get them!" Hangman screamed, making everyone run towards us.  "wait!!" I yelled  making them stop, "I'm making French toast, so anyone who lays a finger on Phoenix and I won't get any." I told them, they all looked at one another "sorry Rooster we want french toast." Coyote told him shrugging, I smiled at the two boys left standing in the doorway. They both crossed their arms then walked forward "I want two slices" Hangman spoke then tried to walk past me "didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" I question him while putting my hands on my hips.

He huffed "please, can I please have two slices of french toast." I smiled at him "of course you can Bagman." I told him letting him walk past me, everyone was in the dining room that was just through the door, Phoenix moved over to join the group. Rooster and I were alone, I looked at him "how many do you want?"

"I want two also." He told me me, "I damn well know your mother taught you manners, so what do you say." I questioned him, he stared at me "please" he mumbled quietly, a smile grew on my face. "Order will be up soon." I told him. I turned around then dipped more toast into the mixture and putting it on the pan. "Hey Y/N" Rooster  spoke, I turned around to face him. He leaned against the island behind him, "so about the kiss...." He paused and fiddled with his fingers, I then look up at his face which was facing the floor. He started again and lifted his head "I think we should forget about it, I was upset and well you know." I didn't know but I nodded my head.

"What kiss?" I joked smiling then shrugging my shoulders, "thanks" he smiled then went for a hug. His arms wrapped around my waist and my arms went around his upper chest. My smile fell once he couldn't see my face. I get it, he was upset when we kissed but at the same time I was kind of hoping something could work out. I pulled out of the hug and turned around to flip the French toast. I didn't even bother looking at him I knew he would be able to see the disappointment on my face. "Can you get Phoenix for me please?" I asked him, "yeah." He muttered, walking out of the kitchen.

A few seconds later Phoenix walked in, "hey, what's up?" She asked sitting back down at the island. I flipped over the toast and put two on a plate. "Coyote!" I shouted making him run to get his food. He also grabbed the bottle of syrup. I put two more pieces of toast on the hot pan. "I just wanted company. If you want to be with them you can but I will be bored making toast for everyone by myself." I laughed, then flipping the pieces of toast over. "Got it." She answered me, nodding.

"You are a good cook if I do say so myself." Phoenix told me, "well I have been making food since I was 8, if you count Mac and cheese." I smiled at her, "oh yeah I count Mac and cheese." She stated laughing at me. I took the other pieces of toast and put them on a plate. "Hangman!" I shouted to make him come get his toast. "Thank you mini mav." He spoke as he grabbed his plate. I rolled my eyes jokingly at him, "Phoenix can you start another pan I think we need 2 burners going at a time to feed this many boys plus Halo." I explained to her, "sure." She answered walking over to the cabinet to grab another pan.

"Perfect." I told her, I turned on the other stove burner and sprayed down the plan with butter spray so the toast won't stick. I put four pieces of toast on the pans, two pieces on each. I wait for them to get done then put them each on plates. "Rooster and Fanboy!" Phoenix yelled, they both came rushing in to get their food. I watched as Rooster walked through the doorway looking at me as he did so. I looked away at the stove to flip over the other pieces of toast. I wasn't upset at him, while I didn't understand I couldn't be mad at him. He loved me only as a friend, and apparently, according to Phoenix, I'm a fighter not a lover.

Maybe the reason I didn't have a husband or boyfriend was because I was only capable of loving him. That's it. That's exactly it.

I'm in love with Bradley Bradshaw, and I didn't even know it till now.

hola! Soooooo what do you guys think about this ending?!?!!?! Also after I'm don't with this story what do you all think about having an enemies to lovers Rooster book? Of course after I finish this book! ALSO 10.9k VIEWS THAT'S INSANE!!! I love you all with all my heart and Im super thankful for every single one of you. If you need someone to talk to i'm here. If you are liking the story please share with your top gun loving friends:)

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now