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"199, 200" hondo counted as I used the rest of my strength left to finish. Fanboy and Payback were next to me also struggling to finish the last push up. I put my knees down on the ground and took my arms off the ground so I was basically standing in my knees. I look over at Payback and Fanboy they were doing the same "shit I didn't think that would be that hard." I said through my breaths.

"Same here." Payback said putting his arms in his hips trying to catch his breath. I put my head down breathing heavy, "Miss Mitchell, you're up." Hondo warning me that I'll probably have to do another 200 push ups. I look up at Hondo and gave him a nod. I stood up "see you guys later." I wave to the two boys beside me.

I started walking over to my plane zipping up my flying uniform. "Hey Y/N wait." I heard the one and only Maverick say behind me. I turn around and plaster a mean look on my face. "What." I said hoping he would get the idea I was upset at him. "You do good up there, make sure you cover your blind spots, look at them occasionally. I don't want to see you do another 200. K?" He informed then started again. "Hey I get why you're mad at me, I would be too, but I couldn't tell you. You knew I would've told you if I could."

I took a breath "Maverick I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me." I look over to see Rooster walking towards his plane. "Is he mad?" My dad questioned me. "He's pissed, I need to talk to him, this conversation is for later." I walked away from my dad and gripping my helmet as tight as I could because I was nervous. "Rooster!" I yelled to get his attention, nothing. "Rooster!" I yelled once more, still nothing. This is bullshit, he needs to grow up. "Bradley Bradshaw!" I yelled sternly, this caused him to stop and turn around.

I looked at him "look I don't care if you are mad or upset at me for whatever reason, but we need to work as a team up there. I really don't feel like another 200 and I don't think you want to either. I got your back even if you don't have mine." I explained to him swiftly. He looked at me than began "Did you actually know your dad was our instructor?" He questioned me burning his eyes into mine

"No, I didn't. I don't know what you two have against one other but please for the sake of others put it behind you for these 3 weeks. Please." I pleaded then took my eyes off of his and grabbed my helmet putting it on while walking away from him. "He blocked my application for the Naval academy." He spoke, making me stop in my tracks. I turned around taking off my helmet and putting between my left arm and my waist. "He did what?" I questioned even though I heard him the first time.

"He pulled it, so it backed me up a couple years, that's why I was a sophomore and you were a freshman." He explained me. It all made sense, he was backed up, he shouldn't have been a sophomore he should've been a senior. "Oh" I didn't know how to respond "Well then let's get him up there then. Yeah?" I tried to lighten up the mood. "Yeah." He whispered walking over to his plane. I sighed then put my helmet on walking over to my aircraft.

"Rooster you hear me?" I questioned over the radio once I was in my airplane. "Yeah." He answered, I was up first, people surrounded my aircraft getting it ready for me to take off. It was kind of like a giant sling shot. My F-18 was the ammunition you put in the slingshot. 3...2...1 and I'm off. I clicked my mask into place, waiting for Rooster and my dad to take off.

I hummed to myself when Rooster flew pasts me making my plane shake. "Jesus Rooster." I spoke,   moving my control forward to catch up with him "okay Legacy, Rooster are you two ready." My dad asked.  "Yes sir." I answered, moving right next to Rooster. I waved at him through out clear canopy's. He waved back and then looked back in front of him. I looked in front of me also, "Rooster do you see Mav?" I asked looking out to my right.

"Yeah to the left of me" He told me I turned to the left, Rooster following right behind me. "Do you got eyes on him?" I asked Rooster since he was behind me. "Nope he's gone." He answered in frustration. "Shit." I whispered, I looked around then remembered he told he to check my blind spots. I behind me and moved a little forward to see a little more behind the plane. "Found him. Down!" I yelled, in sync we both went down hoping to lose my dad.

"Can you see him?" Rooster asked me, "No." I looked to the left of me then the right. Rooster is in-front of me. "In front of me." He said as he went up trying to avoid my dad, I pull back on my control going up. 'Beeeeeeeep', how the fuck. "Sorry Rooster I'm out." I spoke over the radio informing Rooster that I was out.

I watched Rooster and my dad flying around. Rooster trying to get my dad, my dad trying to get Rooster. My eyes were focused on my dads plane, I've always observed how my dad flew. He just did everything right, every turn, every up and down. I looked down at my watch, I'm drenched in sweat. I mean sitting in a hot ass plane for about a hour will do that to you.

I look up to see my dad and Rooster gone. "Where the fuck did they go?" I whispered to myself pushed my control forward trying to find them. I tap into the radio system they were sharing "Mav where did you go?" I questioned hoping for an answer. I heard nothing until I heard my dad and Rooster arguing over the radio. "Go up kid, go up!" I heard my dad yell, I looked to the right and left of me and saw nothing.

I look above me and then flew downwards to see if they were below me. I turn around and then I saw them. They were twisting round and going straight down. They were getting very close to the ground. "Rooster pull up!" I yelled into the radio hoping he would. I watched as they both kept shooting down towards the ground. "Dad please pull up." I tried to get my dad's attention. They didn't, I sat there hoping they would pull up. "You both pull up!" I yelled once more.

They went down further, my breathing got quick as I thought of what might happen if they didn't pull up. I would lose my dad and one of my life long friends. I held my breath looking at them, finally my dad pulled up first and then Rooster. I let out my breath and then flew back to base. They were both behind me, heading back to base.

I put my wheels out as I began to get closer to the landing runway. I flew down landing perfectly and opened my canopy. I stepped down from my plane and took off my helmet. I was so hot I was basically dripping with sweat. I wiped my forehead with my arm trying to cool off.

I walked over to the side so my dad and Rooster could land. I can't believe they did that, they could've died. A worker handed me a water, I took it then started to drink. Feeling the cool water hit my throat. I took the bottle off my lips and put the cap back on. I put the water on the ground and looked up to see Rooster and my dad walking towards me to also probably get some water.

I walk up to them shoving both of them at the same time. "Was that a fun game? Stop acting like total idiots up there, you guys could've gotten killed." I yelled, they didn't say anything so I started again "Dad you are the only person I got, you're it, and Rooster you're it also. I cant lose you two over some fucking feud." I swallowed the lump in my throat. My dad came in for a hug which is didn't want to take but did anyway. "I know, I'm sorry." My dad spoke. I looked Rooster who was already looking at me.

I pulled away from my dads hug and picked up my water bottle giving it to him for a drink. "I'm going to do my push-ups." I whispered, I started to walk towards Hondo leaving my dad behind. "Y/N" Rooster said behind me, I stopped and turned around. "I'm sorry." He apologized, "You just don't get it, my dad is the only person I have, without him I have nobody." My eyes started to water but I pushed them back, "You and him, you two are all I got."

He looked at me and started "I know and I'm sorry. I understand that he's all you got. Okay?" I nodded, he opened his arms and I hugged him around his waist tightly, I nuzzled my face into his chest to hide the fact I was upset. "I'm going to do my push-ups." I told him, pulling away from our hug. I look up at him and smiled. I pushed past him to meet Hondo so he can count my push-ups.

Sorry if there is any mistakes! Also do y'all like these longer chapters or do you want shorter chapters?? Thank you for 600 views, LIKE WHAT THATS INSANE!!! Thank you all for the love and support. Make sure you eat and drink!

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now