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I look at myself in my full body mirror. I was wearing sweatpants, and a huge sweatshirt. I looked like shit. I look over at Phoenix's side, her bed was made, mine wasn't. I can't let losing Ice get into my head. He wouldn't want that to happen. I walk away from my mirror over to my bed. I started making it, I hear chatting downstairs. I need to go down, they are having ice cream. That might make me feel a little better, hopefully.

I walk down the stairs taking off the hood that was on my head. I smoothed down my hair so it didn't look messy. I took out my bun right after the funeral so my head would stop hurting. My feet hit to cold tile at the bottom of the stairs.

"Legacy!" Coyote yelled from the kitchen, I smile came upon my face. "Don't worry your favorite Mitchell is here" I joked while I walked through the kitchen door. I sat down at the island next to Rooster, I then got passed a bowl of chocolate ice cream. "Thanks Phoenix" I spoke while picking up the spoon and scooping some ice cream in my mouth.

"So Legacy you up for some poker?" Hangman asked me, I turned in my chair to look at him. "Money involved?" I questioned him smiling, "nope" Rooster answered for him. "Then nope, I play for money." I turned to face Phoenix, "I'm with Legacy, I play for money." We both laughed a little, I grabbed my spoon and took a bite of my ice cream "Fine, whatever" Hangman laughed while he walked over to the dining room where several others were sitting.

I look over at Rooster who was drinking a beer and eating ice cream. "You know if you keep on drinking beer and eating ice cream you might get a belly" I told him, "yeah?" He questioned me while turning my spinning chair to face him. "Yup." I smiled at him then scooped a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. He smiled at me, he looked mesmerized.

"What?" I questioned him with a smile on my face. "Nothing." He tells me. "Hey lovebirds I'm still here." Phoenix interrupted, waving her hands around by our faces. "Sorry Phoenix, Rooster, honey, go play some poker." I ordered him while putting my hand on his shoulder. I was talking to him like a child "You can't tell me what to do." He challenged, I looked at him with a smile on my face, "Well go" I told him, I took my hand off of his shoulder to motion towards the door. He looked at me, then rolled his eyes and walked away leaving Phoenix and I by ourselves.

I put another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, "So" Phoenix started, I looked up at her, "Are you okay?" She asked me, she was definitely concerned, I wasn't totally okay but you don't say that you not okay unless you want to talk about it. "Yeah." I spoke scooping more ice cream onto my spoon, "Y/N, do you want to talk about it?" She questioned me, I took a bite of my ice cream once again. "There's not really anything to talk about." I mentioned to her, that was the truth, Ice was dead, that's it. "Well you can always come to me." She reminded me, "Thanks Phoenix" I smiled.

"Do you want to watch the guys play poker?" Phoenix asked, "why not" I spoke, we both stood up walking into the separate room, "I hate this game!" Coyote yelled, Hangman laughed "you're just not getting the cards." Phoenix and I smiled at each other as we sat down. "You sure you guys don't want to play?" Rooster asked us, "no, I'm good" I spoke, "yeah I'm with Legacy" Phoenix pointed her finger at me.

Watching them all play poker was actually not as boring as I thought it was going to be. Once in a while someone was yell, or throw their cards down. Guys are definitely dramatic. "I'm going upstairs, we have to fly tomorrow" I reminded everyone, it seemed that they all forgot why we were here for a moment. "Oh right, I'll come too" Phoenix spoke, we stood up from chairs and walked towards the stairs.  "Phoenix." I started, she looked at me, I grabbed ahold of the railing then started to walk up the stairs. "I wanted to say thank you" I mentioned to her. "For what?" She questioned me as we made it to the top of the stairs.

"For always being there for me."  I spoke quietly, "of course." She smiled, then I got pulled into a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around her. She pulled away first, her hands were around my arms while she smiled at me. We walked towards our room and I dramatically fell into my bed. "Why are guys so exhausting." I sighed trying to sound super dramatic, I look over at her and she falls on her bed too. "I have no idea" we made i contact and started to laugh.

We stopped laughing after we heard everyone talking. We still looked at one another, I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. I'm not going to lie I feel like a teenager. The halls went quiet and we heard several door shut. Phoenix starts literally crackling, I started laughing at her laugh. "Phoenix" I managed to get out between laughs. I look over and see Phoenix she has tears in her eyes from laughing so much. There are tears coming out of my eyes also, I wipe my face from the tears. Phoenix then goes back to regular laughter not the crackling kind of laugh.

My laughter dims a little as we both calm down a little. "Phoenix, your laugh." I spoke whipping my eyes from the little tears forming. "I know." She laughed a little. The room went silent as we both stopped laughing. "I'm going to take a shower" Phoenix mentioned to me, she went through her drawers to grab some clothes. "See you in like 20 minutes." She informed me while looking over at the alarm clock on her bedside table. I nodded at her and I laid back onto my bed.

All the bad thoughts flooding in again. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about Iceman and how I lost him. It crazy how you can see someone one day and then the next day they are gone. It's not fair. I sit back up, I stood up and walked out the door. I walk down the hall and knock at his door. "Rooster?" I questioned through the door, my eyes became tearing once again today, but this time it wasn't from laughter. He opened the door, I put a smile on my face, he looked right through that smile. "Are you okay?" He asked, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. I shut the door behind me.

"I miss him." I choked out and immediately started crying. He pulled me into a hug, my face was in his chest. "I know Y/N, I know." I rubbed little circles on my back. His light gray shirt turning a darker gray from my tears. I pulled away from his hug, "He promised he would see me fly again." I sobbed as I said it, he took his finger and wiped away my tears streaming on my face. "He's always watching now, he's always going to be with you." Rooster told me, I nodded and I wrapped my arms around his waist one more time.

Soooo.....it's been way to long. I've had writers block for this chapter and it has SUCKED. I started working on this on December 20th and just finished it. I hope you all had an amazing holiday season and happy new year! Thank you for 22.2k reads thats actually insane!

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now