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I took a breath then stood in front of everyone, I cleared my throat then began. "Hi everyone, some you may know me. If not I'm Y/N, iceman's Goddaughter. Uh I've been asked to say a couple words." I cleared my throat once more, I looked over at my dad, he gave me a 'keep going' face. I crinkled my paper in my hand while I look down at the words I wrote, "There was lots to say about him that I could say but I want to keep this short." I paused then began again "Tom and I were always close, he would talk to me about flying when I was three years old. I think he wanted me to fly more than my dad wanted me to fly." The crowd laughed and I saw Coyote grab my dads shoulder laughing.

"He wished to see me fly again, I couldn't give him that, but I know he is watching over me and everybody here. Whoever goes on this next mission will have Ice watching over them. I'm forever grateful I was able to meet him, he was one amazing human being." I took one more breath trying not to cry. "I love you Ice, with my whole heart. Thank you" I folded my paper and put it in my pocket. The tears trickled down my cheeks, falling onto the ground. I then walked into the crowed, I kissed two of my fingers then placed them on the casket. "Thank you for being my best friend." I whispered to the casket then took my spot between Rooster and Phoenix.

I fixed my posture to match the others around me. Usually your chin was up, arms were to the side of you, and your back straight. Today my chin hung a little lower and my arms were in front of me, holding my own hands. The tears still dripping down once in a while.

The gunshots echoing in the air, I blinked every time one went off. I watched as my dad walked up, he set something down on his casket, then took his closed hand and hit it. Whatever it was wasn't coming out of that casket wood for a long time. I watched as my dad saluted, his hand shook a little.

The service ended and there was lunch after. I walked into this big room filled with chairs and tables. The lunch was kind of like a buffet style, with Rooster in front of me and Bob behind me we filled our plates. I grabbed Mac and Cheese, apple, pigs in a blanket, and a water. Rooster walked off to join Coyote and Payback while I waited for Bob. "Are you okay?" Bob asked grabbing some carrots with the tongs. "Yeah, I think so." I responded looking down at my plate. "Trust me it gets easier." He gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded then we walked over to the table to join Rooster and the others.

I sat down and picked up a piece of the cut apple. "You know guys tomorrow is probably going to be a hard training day." Coyote brought up, "Yeah I have a feeling it's going to be tough." I spoke grabbing another apple. "Who do you think Maverick with choose?" Payback asked us all. "I think Hangman, Phoenix, Rooster and you Coyote" I explained pointing an apple slice at Coyote then eating it. "Really? Not yourself?" Bob questioned me, "No that crash I had the yesterday freaked him out. I won't be flying." I told them, I saw Payback nod and then speak "Well I think you're better than Hangman. Don't tell him I told you that."

I laughed "I won't tell him. I promise." I moved onto my Mac and Cheese, my fork stabbing the noddles. "Well I think Hangman won't fly and you will" Coyote mentioned to me, "Thanks" I smiled at him. Phoenix walked over to our table with a full plate of food and sat down. "Have you seen Hangman anywhere?" She asked picking up a piece of watermelon and taking a bite of it. I looked over at the line of people at the buffet "nope." I say standing up, "but I have to use the bathroom." I mentioned quickly, I walked through the doors and took a right. I ran into someone as I took a left at the next hallway.

"Shit Legacy, are you okay?" Hangman questioned me, his eyes were a little watery, and a bit puffy. I should be asking if he's okay. "Yeah I'm fine, you on the other hand don't look so fine." I explained to him, I've always been the therapist friend, it doesn't make me mad or anything when people come to me. It makes me feel like I have a purpose for some reason.

He looked down at me, "funerals make me cry." He flatly says, "uhm" I hummed, "well funerals make a lot of people cry Jake." I assured him, he looked at me a little wide eyed when I said Jake. I guess he's gotten to fond of the name Hangman, and not his own name. "You cried." He spoke quietly, yes I did thank for bringing that up. "Yeah I did, like I said people cry at funerals. Crying doesn't make you weak." To explained to him. He nodded his head, "where is everyone?" He questioned me, "In the dining hall, it's just down the hall a little." I told him, he nodded at me then walked past.

I walked into the bathroom, there were 2 stalls, I didn't actually have to use it. I looked in the mirror then turned the facet on. I cupped my hand together, collecting the water in my hands. I brought the water up into my face, I wasn't wearing any makeup so the water wouldn't of messed anything up. I turned off the faucet and looked in the mirror. I looked like a mess, my hair was messy, even though it was pulled back in a tight bun. My eyes were a little puffy, and my nose was red from me blowing my nose. My nose gets really runny when I cry. I turned on the faucet once again, cupped my hands together, and then splashed the water into my face.

I put a smile on my face, made sure it looked good in the mirror then walked out the door.

It's been way to long, I'm so sorry I can't update any faster, I try. School finals are coming up and I've have tests upon tests. I'm so thankful for 19k reads and I would like to say thank you for the people that are so incredibly patient with me. I love you all 🫶🏻❤️

She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now