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If I had to count how many times I thought about Rooster and my dad since they went up it would probably be in the hundreds already. "When did you decide you wanted to be a naval aviator?" I question Hangman trying to distract myself. I look over at his plane and he looks at me. He takes a breath out, "I don't know, I think when I was little. I loved planes, but I didn't want to just be a commercial pilot, so I landed here. And heck I learned to love it a little too much" Hangman then laughs a little. I smile even though he can barely see me.

"What about you?" He asked me, I heard him drumming his fingers somewhere in his plane through the radio. I never knew how to answer this question, at first it was revenge on my mom, then wanting to make my father proud, and then actually loving every aspect of it. "My family" I finally answer him, I hear him hum in response to it. Then he begins with "your dad was known in every piece of curriculum I was ever taught. So, when I found out you were going to be here, I thought at he was going to be here too. I was right, and I....." he trailed off not finishing his sentence.

"What?" I softly speak into the radio wanting him to finish but before he could Hondo chimed into our conversation. "Legacy, Hangman, they are currently starting their descent into the canyon. Be ready to fly when if give you the clear" I nodded to myself then looked over at Hangman. "Over" Hondo finishes then we hear the click of our radio disconnecting with his. My face was blank as if I had just sent a ghost, they could die right now. Like now. I'm sitting here, and they are fighting. Trying to distract myself again I ask Hangman again "What were you going to say?"

I look over to his plane and I watch as he turns is head so he can see me. I heard him take a breath through the radio, "I knew you were going to be a good." he finally spoke out. My eyes became a little wide, I never thought as myself as a competitive flyer. What I mean is, a pilot who people wanted to compete with. When I got called to top gun the first time I declined, I was practically fresh out of the academy, about four years to be exact. Flight school took about two years to complete, and I really had two real years of being an aviator. I felt like they were just picking me because I was the legacy of Pete Mitchell. I did not deserve anything.

After I declined, I had around five phone calls stating that this was the biggest opportunity in the Navy. That I was making a mistake, and most people would want to be in my position. I still declined. The next year it was an order. I had to go. I wanted to go, do not get me wrong. I felt like I was not good enough. They brought me into the Top Gun offices and showed me why I was enough. My stats proved it, in fact, they even said I was going to be more successful in this program than the others coming in with me. I graduated at the top of my class.

"You're good too Hangman. You challenged me." I admitted, I hear him chuckled through the radio. "To be honest, you gave everyone here a challenge. The first day when all of us were at the house Rooster said that you had a spark in you that was hard to see. He was right. You are really good. You really should have been on the mission today. I mean it Legacy." He finishes leaving me practically speechless. "He said that?" I ask, I want to know everything Rooster has said, just in case I lose him. "Legacy, I don't think you know how much he likes you. I swear, since we saw you at the bar the first night it is like you had him under this spell." Hangman laughs a little about the spell comment he just made. I hummed in response, and then thought of another question for him. "If you love my dad so much then why did you throw him out of the bar that night." I giggle as I ask the question. I laugh a little harder than before, "I didn't really know what he looked like." he admits to me. I laugh at the memory of my dad getting thrown out of the bar.

Hondo taps in again stopping our laughing, "They have started their high G climb, the target was hit." My head travels back to how that G climb felt, my skull feeling like it was getting crushed, my breath hitching as a pulled back, and also feeling like I was going to faint. My heart rate starts to pick up, I can tell by the way my chest feels heavy. "Please" I whisper, I close my eyes and put my head in my hands. My helmet was still on and kept on whispering little 'pleases' as I waited for an update from Hondo. He was still on the line; I could hear people talking.

"They have made it to the top of the canyon. They have the missiles now, so far, they are all hitting then with their guns." Hondo informs Hangman and me. My head still in my hands, and hear Hangman say "Legacy" I look up at him through my plane canopy. "They are doing good" He reassures me, I nod at him and smile signaling I heard what Hondo had said. I hear Hondo take a breath in and suddenly the radio buzzes. "Hangman" I speak out, nothing. "Hangman!" I shout again, still no answer. I look over at him, he looks at me and points to his radio in his helmet. I shrug at him.

"Legacy, be ready. We will clear you in a moment." I hear Hondo say, "Hondo what is going on?" I question him. I hear a deep breath come from him, "You dad is down."

Hi👀 I love you guys and I'm sorry for like never publishing😪 butttttttt I think I'm actually finishing this soon :) This week I am going on a vacation so idk if I will update this coming week!! Love you all.

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She's a fighter, not a lover //  A Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw story Where stories live. Discover now