the eye-opening

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"All women! All women, Councilor Son! Can you believe it?" Yi Hyun shouts with frustration at his teacher.

"I've heard the elaborate plan from His Majesty, Jeoha."

"And you didn't tell me anything?" He pouts, feeling a little betrayed.

"I had hopes that you had a plan of your own."

"I did. I plan to never get married until I don't have any other choice. Now, I have 12 choices too many."

"By plan— I thought you had someone in mind already for the position."

"Who? The only woman I keep around me is Eon-jin."

Yi Hyun looks around and gets panic, very sure he will have a death glare from his close friend somewhere for insinuating that they are a couple in front of her father.

Where is she, by the way?

He skims his eyes around the room once again, but the woman is nowhere to be found. Oh, her father asked her about the tea. Though, it was minutes ago, isn't she done?

"Eon-jin? While I will be over the moon if you so choose her, I'm afraid, she doesn't have marriage on her mind for the time being. I've rejected 6 marriage proposals from eligible bachelors all over Joseon for her."


Eon-jin received 6 marriage proposals?

A strange feeling coming over him as he hears the fact. His chest burns with something; curiosity? interest? jealousy?

Whatever they call this staggering feeling within him, it's definitely a first for him. And he doesn't expect to feel it over his best friend.

"By eligible bachelors, can you—"

His words are cut by the sound of the door opening and he finds her on the threshold. Looking— very lovely, as she usually is in her lavender hanbok.

Indeed, he is not blind.

Eon-jin is beautiful. And graceful. And full of life. To see a beautiful woman is a blessing in itself, but to have the other two qualities in the same woman? Maybe he's not supposed to wonder why his close friend has that many suitors.

He only needs to open his eyes. Or sees her with different eyes.

"Jeoha, honey and ginger tea will be served soon." She calmly says after bowing down to him and taking her place beside her father. Yi Hyun can't take his eyes off of her, making her frown with question.

𝘐𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺? Her eyes ask him in silence.

Are those eyes always that captivating? He wonders. How come he misses everything amazing about this woman?

He blinks, breaking out his trance and nodding hesitantly at her.

"What is next, if I may ask, Jeoha?" Right State Councilor Son poses his question carefully, wanting to avoid another burst of frustration.

The crown prince closes his eyes and inhales deeply. "I have to choose 12 women from all the women who is eligible."

A strange noise — almost like a snort — is heard from where the councilor and his daughter sit. And between the two of them— he will pick the daughter.

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