the practice

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Among all the womanly duties Eon-jin has to master as part of her education, kitchen works are what interest her the most. She loves to bake and she loves challenging herself to a new recipe. She can spend hours in the kitchen trying out new things and only leaves when she is satisfied with the result.

She pampers her family with her cooking all the times; if anyone asks her father, Right State Councilor Son, about his favorite food, he will answer the question with his daughter's manduguk.

"She is very generous with the filling and the soup has a rich flavor that I can't find anywhere else. Come to our house, everyone should taste Eon-jin's dumplings once in their lifetime."

He oversold her ability, undoubtedly. But his proud voice whenever he told the fact to his colleagues always succeeded to make Eon-jin smiled.

That's why she will present her manduguk to the ruler of Joseon, the King and Queen, and the heir of the country on the first stage of Heart Race at the end of the week. The Master Chef — the name of the challenge — calls for all twelve contestants to present the Royal Family with their most distinguished cuisines.

For the past few days, she has been perfecting her dumpling's recipe, adding a sliver amount of rice wine and sesame oil to the anchovy broth she uses for the soup. And yet— she hasn't been satisfied with the result. There's something missing and she can't figure out what.

"Eomani, try this and tell me if this one tastes better than the previous one." Eon-jin extends a spoon of the broth she has boiled over the last hour to her beloved mother. "Hye-ji-ah, you too, try this."

Her mother and her lady-in-waiting take the spoons from her and taste the soup, giving out almost identical responses when the outburst of flavors spoils their tongues.

"Ahh, this one is perfection, Eon-jin-ah." Her mother says as she asks to taste more. "The fish smell from the anchovies is not as strong as the previous one."

"Mama-nim is right, Agasshi. And do you add anything else? Because I think the flavor is getting richer."

Eon-jin takes a sip herself and crinkles her nose. "Are you sure? I feel like— it lacks something."

Her mother smiles. "I'm sure it's not. Maybe if you can just rein in your competitive soul a little bit, you'll find it perfect."

"What I think is not important, Eomani."

"Ah," the beautiful older woman smiles tenderly as the meaning of her daughter's words sinks in. She turns toward her daughter's lady-in-waiting behind her and whispers aloud. "Eon-jin pushes herself because she wants to be the best in front of the Crown Prince."

At the mention of the Crown Prince, her face warms and although her face only slightly reddens, she can't escape her mother's sharp eyes.

"Ah, the perfectionist that you are, my daughter.  And your attempts at perfection won't go unnoticed by the Crown Prince."

Oh, she knows that. He must have known the length of effort she has exerted for the challenge, given that she has been feeding him her practice's result everyday. At the realization, her eyes bulge.

Omo, omo, what was she thinking, asking for his opinion on her cooking day by day? What if Yi Hyun has gotten sick of manduguk by now?!

"Eon-jin-ah, are you coming with me to the palace?" Her father peeks in to summon her, surprising her as she lost in her thought about the Crown Prince.

"Abanim! You surprise me!" She yelps to the confusion of her parents and Do Hye-ji.

"Are you well? Should I go without you?" Her father glances at her mother worriedly, as if something is wrong with her.

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