the haven

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Once again in a span of a week, the palace is swarmed by people coming in and out in preparation of another festivity. Banners have been raised all over the court to bring excitement for the first challenge of Heart Race.

"When will be the first challenge, Eunuch Park?" Yi Hyun asks his aide as he notches his attention at one of the banners during his walk toward his living quarter after his study. "Is it at the end of this week?"

"Yes, Jeoha."

"And I will have to eat whatever the ladies bring?"

"If you so choose. Maybe one of the ladies will bring the cuisine of your choice."

"I doubt they know what I like." No one has bothered to ask him the question, except a certain young lady.

"Then maybe you can give a hint to the ladies when you meet them before the day."

"Oh, I almost forget," the Crown Prince grimaces as he remembers that from today until all the challenges are complete he has to spend several hours of his time in a day in the company of the ladies. "It starts today?"

"Yes, Jeoha. You will have Lady Hong in the next hour and Lady Kim later in the afternoon."

Interesting that the Queen chooses Lady Hong first and foremost, he thinks inwardly. It's almost like she intends to provoke him with this move after she failed to achieve anything in the first peony ceremony.

"Though, surely, I also have someone I root for."

It is a little uncharacteristic of her to show her hand this early, but if he thinks more deeply, it makes sense. Lady Hong is beautiful, she'll provide the kingdom a powerful ally in her father, and— anyone who knows the Queen must notice her penchant for power.

In that respect, he can imagine her wanting to have someone under her control to extend her reign, and there's no one else more perfect as her successor than Lady Hong for they share the same trait. Granted, he doesn't know much about the Chief State Councillor's daughter, but he does know the Queen enough to catch a glimpse of her personality in Lady Hong.

Ambitious— is that the word he seeks? Is that the key to survive the palace's intrigues?

And if Lady Hong shows the quality, then maybe she is perfect for the role of Crown Princess.

Hmm? Lady Hong as Crown Princess?

Yi Hyun stops his walk and blinks his eyes; wait— how again he comes to that conclusion?

He scoffs to himself. Apparently, the Queen knows him better than he thought. She bets on him dissecting her move and making his own conclusion about the whole matter. And he plays to her mind games perfectly.

Very well, she can support whoever she wants but he won't let her manipulative ways dictate him. Or his choice of spouse for that matter.


The Crown Prince stops his train of thought abruptly when his stomach grumbles loudly just as he arrives in his residence. He sneaks a glance toward the sky to check the time and based on the glaring sun, it has to be high noon. No wonder he is hungry.

Speaking of noon and hungry—

"Ko Sanggung, has Councillor Son arrived for my study?" He turns toward his senior court lady. He can't ask about one of the contestants so blatantly under the circumstances, but surely his trusted people know of his actual question?

He drums his hand on his robe excitedly; will Eon-jin bring another portion of her delicious cooking?

"Jeoha," she called him as he read in the library days ago. "Do you like mandu?"

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