the bachelor

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Over the past five years of King Minjung's reign in Joseon, several royal banquets were held to celebrate the monarchy's key events such as the king's 42nd birthday, Queen Moyeon's 40th birthday and the latest one last year, the celebration of 15th anniversary of the king's reign, held by his son, Crown Prince Yi Hyun.

There hasn't been a joyous affair worth a celebration ever since. Until tonight.

The start of Heart Race is somewhat monumental for the future of Joseon that an imperial feast is held to welcome the ladies of the crown prince's choice to the palace. The royal court is prepared to see more of them wandering around the palace's premises for the next several weeks as the race begins in earnest.

The palace — East Palace in particular — is a familiar playground for one of them, obviously. Not only Eon-jin knows where is the library, or where is the crown prince's study lounge, but she also knows the people serving in it. The court ladies, the eunuchs, the royal guards and the likes.

Proven by how often her name is called out when she stands in line waiting for her entrance to the ceremonial opening.

"Son Agasshi!" Ko Sanggung waves excitedly at the councilor's daughter as she passes the row of court ladies standing on the side.

Dressed in an exquisite pair of silk jeogori and chima exclusively made for the occasion, the young lady waves back as enthusiastically as the court lady greets her, forgetting the one advice her mother bequeathed to her before her departure.

"Act subtly and gracefully, Eon-jin-ah." Her mother spoke softly as she put the headpiece on Eon-jin's head. "You are stunning as you are and the crown prince, of all people, must have known the depth of your mind. But, truly, familiarity— is probably your biggest hurdle. I'm afraid that your close association to the East Palace will prove to be an impediment rather than a blessing."

Eon-jin didn't get it at the time, but as all the ladies lining up in front of her glance her way with a furrow on their beautiful faces repeatedly, she finds her mother's advice is very well founded. The fact that she knows almost everyone may be seen as unfair advantages from the outside and will make her a target.

Indeed, she doesn't say nonsense, because even Lady Hong who stands at the front turns her head to watch the scene. She needs to be careful with how she acts even around the court ladies.

Eon-jin pleads with Ko Sanggung then smiles awkwardly at her competitors, catching Yeo-been's smirk several row in front of her. Only her knows that she knows 'the bachelor' personally. And now, she wonders if divulging her feelings for the crown prince to her friend is— not a lapse in judgement on her part.

She met her best friend yesterday at the market as their mother sent them to get their new attires for tonight's banquet. Inclusion of their daughters' name for the race was such an honor for their respective families.

"I still can't believe I'm on the crown prince's shortlist!" Her friend exclaimed happily and Eon-jin had to hold herself back from reacting to it. "My mother was talking about the race everyday ever since the public notification is sent out by the palace."

"Haven't you accepted Lord Song's son's proposal?" She asked her calmly, reminding her friend of her supposed betrothal. It was what a friend was expected to do, and not her quietly removing her competition before it even begins.

Yeo-been's face turned rosy at the mention of the handsome scholar and she forgot altogether about being in Yi Hyun's list. "Oh, Eon-jin-ah, how can I reject his proposal if my heart starts to pound so hard every time he comes to the house? I nodded even before my father told me his intention."

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