the only exception

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When King Minjung rose to the throne, one of the earliest things he did was appointing Choi Won as the Royal Physician. Having witnessed how detailed and patient he medicated the Crown Prince's mother, his then-concubine Royal Noble Consort Ha, during her many ailments and miscarriages, the King felt assured to have him treating him whenever such situations arose.

 Having witnessed how detailed and patient he medicated the Crown Prince's mother, his then-concubine Royal Noble Consort Ha, during her many ailments and miscarriages, the King felt assured to have him treating him whenever such situations arose

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The assurance that Yi Hyun doesn't feel even one bit, judging by the series of questions he presents the royal physician.

"What happened to her? Why did she faint?"

"Is she going to be alright, Physician Choi? She looked so pale."

"She will wake up soon, won't she?"

"We need to do something, Park Sangseon, don't we?" Ko Sanggung mutters to her compatriot in a low voice as they silently observe the young prince they serve badgering Royal Physician Choi whom currently examines Lady Son at the prince's chamber.

It's counterproductive to say the least; the physician looks uncomfortable while treating Lady Son, and it may not lead to the result that the prince wants. But just like the senior court lady has cared for the Crown Prince since he was a baby, the eunuch, too, has been by Yi Hyun's side since they brought him to the East Palace.

Since then, they were the only constant presence for him, hovering over him like a couple of hedgehogs. They watched his every step, listened to his every grumble; basically, they catered to his every whim, trying to make his life more convenient by removing his every concern.

And so, the older man's knowledge of his master tells him that this is not the time to disturb him.

"You and I know that what he needs is more time and privacy. Let's give him that, just a little more."

Without any more words exchanged between them, they step back to leave the room, giving the worried prince exactly what he needs.

Yi Hyun sighs as he looks over to the darken sky; he doesn't know how long the time has passed since he frantically brought the fainting lady in his arms, the image of her slowly losing her consciousness still playing on repeat, but he knows that the physician takes an obscenely long time to come into conclusion.

And if there is one thing he detests the most, it's not to be in the known. It only makes him even more anxious. The prince isn't sure he can elaborate more on this anxiousness and concern for someone, though; it's still as foreign as it gets, despite how often he feels the emotion lately.

Which is, perhaps, to be expected from someone like him.

Someone who has never had to worry about anything, let alone anyone. He might be known to be an empathetic person; he saved and treated a fallen bird until it was strong enough to fly away; he sent medicines to the family homes of some court ladies during an endemic a few years ago; and yet— as history notes, he is still someone who has never had anyone close enough for him to concern for.

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