extra - the remembrance

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To the privy eyes, the first time the Crown Prince laid eyes on the young and beautiful Lady Son was a little over a year ago when they came across each other during his first study with Councilor Son. The memory of that day was as clear as day; the young man arrived begrudgingly and full of sweat, having just cut his archery and horse riding short to meet his new teacher, while the young lady was the vision of gracefulness, sitting down on the side with her eyes to the floor as lessons of etiquette instructed.

Her presence vastly intrigued him; first, because a woman was not supposed to be here. And second, because she was vaguely familiar. No, not only familiar, he was sure he had seen her previously.

"Jeoha," his new teacher addressed him formally, "The king assigns me to enhance your knowledge in several subjects. But before that, I want to ask for your generosity."

"Generosity?" He asked with interest. "Please, do elaborate what you mean, Councilor Son."

"I have a daughter," the old man glanced at the young lady with an affection so palpable in his eyes.

Oh, so, she is his daughter.

"She is currently deep in her pursuance of knowledge beyond what her mother has taught her. If you allow her, she would like to be of help for your study."

A help? What could she possibly do to help?

"If I may ask, Councilor, do you? Allow her to study?"

The father-daughter exchanged a look between them where his eyes softening and her eyes pleading before the councilor turned to him with a smile.

"Jeoha, my daughter Eon-jin is gifted with curiosity that can't be tamed. She will only try my patience if not given any medium to channel her endless inquiries."


Her exclamation prompted her to look up and only then, as their eyes met, did he recognize those captivating eyes; a little mature, now, but the spark was still the same.

"Jeoha," she started, and it brought a snort out of him, making her turn to her father in confusion. "Umm— something amuses you, Jeoha?"

"A little bit," he held back a smile as their first encounter a few years before this flashed back. "You aren't always this— obedient, Aegisshi."

"Hmm?" She tilted her head to the side a little bit, and that, made him smile. She did that too, that time.

Yi Hyun would never forget that particular journey to the West; it was the first time the King took him along to a visit outside the palace. He took everything in, from the faces of people that waved and hailed them along the way, to the few stops they had in between. As if fate showed its hand long before it was due, one of the stops they made happened to be at a Councilor's house.

The young prince didn't remember much about the house; it just looked like any other noble house. What made it stand out, however, was the lively young lady — about his age if he had to guess — in one of the pavilion, reading one of the famous folklore in the territory to some younger girls.

The way she told the story enraptured him, glued him to his spot; she motioned her hands up and down, swayed her petite body from side to side, and even screamed her lungs out, mimicking the ghost in the tale and scaring out her little audiences.

Including him who jumped out of his hideaway and screamed as he ran.

Yi Hyun only stopped running when he heard the loud burst of laughter from the young lady and realized that he stepped right into her ploy. Embarrassed and a little angry, the heir turned and stomped his way back to her just as she tidied up her books.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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