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"Get off me!I don't have anything you'd want!" The two men, with their unshaven faces and wild hair, only smiled as they continued in their pursuit. I was cornered against a stone wall opposite of an abandoned hotel in a small, almost deserted town. There was no room to escape nor do I know any means to do so. However, despite the fear in my voice I was strangely calm. It was like I knew I would not get hurt. They were five feet away now, yet my heart kept it's normal pace. Only one thought went through me with concrete firmness.

They could not hurt me.

"Please leave me alone!" One of them chuckled and went to grab my wrist but suddenly there was a loud shout from the hotel. All three of us looked into the shadowed doorway, trying to find the source. Then a figure shot towards us, his bulky frame bent and pointed for speed. A thug and I parted ways with the other thug by going right while he went left. Now the attacker was between the other thug and us. From there the attacker managed to chase us around until all three backs were against the wall of the hotel.

For some reason, again, I was as calm as ever. Though, I was no idiot, I still did not want to be in the presence of this rather tattered gentlemen. He seriously out matched the two thugs in hygiene and hair care. If this person got his hands on me I would probably not be able to take a shower in a very long while. I decided to take a look at what brought me here to this out in nowhere location in the first place.

Flash Back


My back hurt from sitting in the drivers's seat too long. Actually I ached all over. The drive from Manhattan to my new college and life was proving taxing to say the least. Right now I was just pulling into a parking space in a town that looked completely deserted. The roads were cobbled and obviously needed some cleaning. I paused to contemplate leaving as the setting sun beat down through my truck's window shield. Tall buildings stood all across the street giving that old main street feel. All lights were off, except for a quaint little place squeezed between what looked like a barber shop and a plumbing department. I would have left if not for the house lights. Food was essential for everyone, and I was currently out. My stomach would just not leave me alone and I did not want to wait how many countless hours it would take to reach a fast food establishment. With a deep sigh I got out and traveled toward the flickering lanterns in the little window shop. A small table and two chairs were set different locations in the now assumed restaurant. I opened the door and a bell sounded as I walked in. There was a red counter separating me and the kitchen and I approached to ring a white bell by the cash register. It took a few minutes until someone popped up from the kitchen. She looked to be in the fifties or older with gray streaked brown hair and stormy gray eyes. "Um miss, are you open?"

"Are you here to eat?" Her eyes widened. "Uh, yes, yes I am." She smiled, it seemed a bit nervous. "Alright, just come this way." She led the way to a table nearby and held the seat for me. I sat down and a menu was placed in front of me. "The special today is, uh," She looked down at a pad in her apron pocket. "Spaghetti and meatballs. Would you like some time to look over the menu?" "Yes please, that would be nice." The woman smiled once again and then walked away towards the kitchen. Then I realized that I did not even learn her name. Shaking my head in confusion I decided to concentrate on the menu. Odd, the menu had many choices, but almost all but a few were crossed out. The only items left were the special, spaghetti and meatballs, and a home style burger complete with fries. Lovely, I suppose I'll have the special. Twenty minutes late-much to my annoyance-the woman came back to take my order. "Did you have enough time darling?" "Yes. I'll take the spaghetti and meatballs. Could you add a water and some fries please?" "Of course sweetie. It will be about thirty minutes until it's done. I'll bring your water right out." "Thank you." The woman retrieved a glass of water for me then returned to the kitchen where I could hear pots and pans being moved. The glass was completely clear, the water had that natural transparent blue tint and the ice cubes clinked lightly against their confinement when the cup was moved. There was slight condensation on the outside of the glass and I watched the water drip down the length as I had nothing better to do. I would read or play on my cell phone to pass the time, but I left it in my truck across the street.

The woman stuck out her head from the kitchen doors. "Do you need anything sweetie? A newspaper perhaps?" Yeah, the lovely and quite possibly the most boring piece of paper that could ever exist on earth. "No, thank you. However I would like to pop over to my truck for a second and grab my cell phone. Would that be, I am sorry I didn't really catch your name." The woman smiled pleasantly. "That's quite alright dear, and my name's Sherry, Sherry Wallmonte. You may call me Sherry." I smiled gratefully. "And you may call me Jayden. I'll be only a second." With another brief glance at Sherry I quickly left the restaurant and headed towards my vehicle. Once there I unlocked the door and I grabbed my cell before locking my truck again. However, before I tuned back to face the shop I spotted a small kitten being chased around by two thugs. They looked as if they would eat the poor thing. Without any thought of my well being I raced over, and put myself between the hunters and the hunted. "Stop terrorizing the poor thing!" The looks that I received were annoyed until they truly looked at me. Their face contorted into smiles that would have been somewhat pleasing if not for the malicious intent that emanated from their auras. "Well, looks like there's a different kitten that's more willing." In the next moment they were trying to grab me.


Alright, I know it is a bit stupid to start another story while I have another that still needs writing and it updates erratically. However I really want to write this one. Though I will tell you that this story may hint at some...inappropriate material, I won't go into whole scenes like that-if I do I'll warn you- it really isn't my style to write that stuff. Those who wish for more...well, I may ask my friends for help if you really want anything like that. Just means that you people who actually read this should comment and make your thoughts known. Seriously, please comment. You don't have to vote, I have no illusions about my writing, however it makes me fell lonely when I have no one commenting. Even to tell me about grammar or spelling mistakes.

Ugh, I'm sorry, I ranted. Well, thank you for reading at least. Bye. (ps her friend is her new editor. Hi by the way that's me. she doesn't know i wrote this)

Desperate for every word,


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