Ch2: The Nevadoran Forest - part 2

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In about a week's worth of time, everything was going to be different.

After a few hours of overthinking and sulking about it, I figured I shouldn't let it ruin my day.

Much like Anthea was leaving for Arthyrell Academy for Fairies and Magic to pick up her studies again, so was Alex- though they were actually going to attend Bethoran Academy for Heroes and Courage.

So I decided to start the day by contacting them. I had figured that wouldn't be too much of a hassle since uncle Juniper had done most of the wiring work yesterday, but my was I proven wrong.

'Al...? Al, can you hear me?'

'Loud and clear. Why?' They inquired in that monotone voice I knew so well, their head slightly tilted to the left.

'I-I... Uh...' I blushed. 'I'm not nearly as good as you are with the tech-stuff.' I continued jokingly.

'You mean technology?'

I giggled at Alex' dead serious expression when they said that.

'Did I say something... "funny"?'

'It was just a joke, Al.' Explained I, not able to hold back my laughter any longer.

Even then, my laugh instantly faded when my worries took the better of me again. 'I'm really going to miss you.'

Alex looked puzzled for a few seconds, maybe caught off-guard by my sudden remark or just thinking of a proper way to answer. The logical response convinced me of the latter:

'But we are apart now, are we not? And still talking. I do not see why that would suddenly change.'

I knew, but still... They were going to be so far away, even further than where they were living now, in a different vector of the dimension, on a planet called Bythrith.

And I... Well, I was stuck here.

'I know it won't, Al. I just...' I couldn't bring myself to continue.

Alex raised an eyebrow. I've come to think of it as their "worried" face.

 I've come to think of it as their "worried" face

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'What if... I reported to you every Friday evening?' They suggested.

I smiled. 'I wouldn't even dare miss your stories. Promise to tell me everything about the magical creatures you encounter?'

Alex thought again, just a short while. 'If that helps you, then yes, I will promise such a thing.' they stated eventually. They shoved their glasses back to the right position on their nose.

Their red glasses... They looked a little odd matched with their traffic blue hair. Actually, everything about them was a little odd, even those big brown eyes of theirs.

But I didn't mind, they were my friend. They'd been there for me when I had felt all lost and alone. Even now, half a cycle later, they were here for me once again.

'I promise.' they continued, quickly recovering with: 'No, wait. We will just have to let you come over during vacation time, that way you will be able to see them yourself.'.

Their remark made me smile, Alex' attempts at comforting were just the sweetest thing. They weren't very good at it, as is to be expected from a Bythrithian, but they tried anyway and that's what counts.

I was just about to thank them when a popup showed up on my screen, telling me our energy reserve was about to run out. It reminded me of the first time Alex and I had contacted one another. The popup had shown up just as my aunt was watering the plants and she had plainly dropped the watering can when the alarm went off. I believe the alarm still startles her...

'Al, the reserve...'

'Ah, yes. We will see each other in a few days then... You know, Ehrynn, it is going to be alright. I can not seem to think of anything that would indicate it would not be. Remember, I consider you my best friend, and that will never ch-"

The monitor went black.

'Alex? Alex?!' I laid my hand on the screen and closed my eyes for a moment.

'You're my best friend, too.'


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