Ch3: Arthyrell Academy - part 5

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Before long, we had all gathered in a half-round circle that stretched itself from the edge of the forest, around the professors in front of us and back to the edge.

I held on to Anthea's hand, standing as close to her as possible in the midst of the group. I wanted to take a look around, but my eyes were fixed to the ground. I took a few deep breaths, only able to snap out of it when Faewood started speaking again.

'As I said earlier, the first cycle is all about Determination. This is the cycle where you look deep into yourself and ask yourself the question: "Why do I want to become a fairy?" What is your reason? Your drive? The very cause for which you want to risk- for going down this road might be more dangerous than you realize right now- your life, your spirit- and the very concept of who you are?-

'Are you ready for this journey? Have you thought about how long it will take? Are you planning to follow only the first three courses or do you want to take all five- even if it may take you the full extent of seven- ten- fifteen cycles to do so?' Faewood waited, the weight of the questions circling around like sudden clouds on a sunny day. Silence was all she was met with.

I was stunned. Of course I'd thought about most of this- the dangers, being so far from home for so long and why I want to be a fairy- but hearing it like this? Did she really expect us to have all of these answers prepared?

Faewood grinned. 'I don't expect you to have the answers to all of these questions right now, hex, not even 'till the end of this cycle- or later, if you need more time. But now that I've got your full attention, let's just start small.-

Today, all I'm really asking of you, is to find someone among these now still strangers to share your Path with. We've prepared a- task- of sorts- to help you find your fairy partner. Stirling?'

The Head of Discipline gladly took over from Faewood. 'The goal is to magically save yourself as we-', she stopped to look for the right word, 'drop- you into the forest. The first person you come across in the woods will be your fairy partner and roommate for the first three cycles- but first you'll have to make your way back to the Academy together.'

One of the fairies raised her hand. 'Professor, what exactly do you mean by "dropped" into the forest?'

Stirling smirked. 'Exactly that. Most of you are able to fly, they'll be fine. As for the others, well, it's not forbidden to help one out.'

My heart skipped a beat. Were they really about to drop us like that? What was I supposed to do? I couldn't even get in touch with my Magic if I concentrated long enough, let alone when I was falling about somewhere in midair. Not to mention my fear of-

A poke in my rib made me look sideways. 'We're uneven.' Someone hissed.

I squeezed my eyes in surprise and raised my eyebrows. 'What?'

Some girl with pitch black hair and funky glasses was looking at me. 'We're uneven.' She repeated. 'Ab here just counted.'

'Who now? Wait, she counted the lot of-?' My sentence broke midway as I found my balance thrown off by a sudden shift in grounds. The dirt and leaves I had stood on seconds before had made way for a bright, almost golden platform of kinds, shaped like a star, that lifted me off the ground. In a flash, I caught a glimpse of a magically glowing Stirling. I wanted to clamp on to Anthea's arm but soon discovered she wasn't by my side anymore. 'An?'

'Please keep your calm, girls

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'Please keep your calm, girls.' Sounded Stirling's voice. 'Faewood and I will be surveilling everything from down here. There's nothing to be afraid of. Enjoy the ride.'


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